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GitHub CLI api

gh api
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json"
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28"
/user #!/bin/zsh

Git Wizard

Interactive front end git wrapper script

declare -A prop flag msg message_prev declare -a keys actprop actkey conf act

echo | espeak 2> /dev/null quiet=$?

action= while [[ "$1" =~ "^--" ]]; do case $1 in '--quiet') quiet=1; shift;; '--verbose') verbose=1; shift;; '--action') action=$2; shift 2;; *) echo error: unknown argument $1 break ;; esac done

ask() { test "$action" && REPLY=$action && return read -r -k "?$1" }

reset-actions() { actprop=() actkey=() conf=() act=() restart=1 }

reset() { prop=() flag=() msg=() keys=() reset-actions restart=0 }

function for acquiring common property

prop() { k=$2 flag[$k]="$1" keys+=($k) msg[$k]="${3/%1/$k}" prop[$k]="$4" shift 4 [ "$1" ] && echo unclaimed "$@" }

functions for reading git property

prop_git() { test "$verbose" && echo checking $2: git $4 prop "$1" "$2" "$3" "$(zsh -c "git $4" 2>/dev/null)" }

rep - property for report only

rep() { prop_git "l" "$1" "$2" "$3" }

prs - property for summary and report

prs() { prop_git "s" "$1" "$2" "$3" }

function for

linking available git actions

with properties

internal action

acti() { test "$verbose" && echo acti "$@" actprop+=($1) #[[ "${actkey[(ie)$2]}" -le "${#actkey}" ]] && echo "duplicated key $2" actkey+=("$2") conf+=("$3") flag[$1]+=a act+=($4) shift 4 [ "$1" ] && echo unclaimed "$@" }

git action

actg() { acti $1 $2 $3 "git $4" }

out() { local key=$1 local prefix=$2 local message=$3 echo "$prefix \e[1m$message\e[0m" [ $quiet != 0 ] && return test "$action" && return test "$message_prev[$key]" = "$message" && return espeak -v en+f4 "$message" 2> /dev/null & message_prev[$key]="$message" }

print-actions() { for n ({1..${#actprop}}) { [[ $actprop[$n] != $key ]] && continue kk+=($actkey[$n]) actk[$actkey[$n]]=$act[$n] echo " ﹝$actkey[$n]﹞ — $conf[$n]" } echo " [Enter] - continue" echo " * - exit" }

Ask user which available actions to perform

perform-actions() { declare -a kk declare -A actk for key ($keys) { let n+=1 v=$prop[$key] [[ ! $flag[$key] =~ a ]] && continue [[ -z "$v" || "$v" == 0 ]] && continue

	out "What to do with" "$(prop-print $key)?"
	ask '>'
	[ "$REPLY" = $'\n' ] && continue
	[ -z "$actk[$REPLY]" ] && return 1
	test "$verbose" && echo "$actk[$REPLY]"
	eval $actk[$REPLY]
	test "$action" && exit
test "$action" && exit
[ $#actk -eq 0 ] && echo "Nothing to do" && exit


prop-print() { key=$1 m=$msg[$key] if [[ $m =~ '@v' ]]; then m=${m/@v/$prop[$key]} else m="$prop[$key] $m" fi p="$prop[$key]" m=$m-EOL if [[ $p =~ '^[0-9]+$' ]] && [ $p -gt 1 ]; then m=${m/(s)/s} else m=${m/es-EOL/} m=${m/commits-EOL/commit} fi m=${m/-EOL/} m=${m/(s)/} m=${m/_/ } echo -n "$m" }

summary() { local m="Summary: head '$prop[head]' on branch '$prop[branch]'" for key in $keys; do [[ ! $flag[$key] =~ s ]] && continue p="$prop[$key]" [ -z "$p" -o "$p" = 0 ] && continue m+=", $(prop-print $key)" done out "" "" $m }

report() { summary for key in $keys; do m=${msg[$key]/(s)/s} m=${m/ @v/} m=${m/ '@v'/} m=${m//_/ } [ -z $msg[$key] ] && continue echo "$m: $prop[$key]" done wait #git branch --all echo }

git-get-file() { REPLY= cat $prop[root]/.git/$1 2> /dev/null | read echo "$REPLY" }

git-status-parse() { local mm=$(git-get-file MERGE_MSG) local mh=$(git-get-file MERGE_HEAD) if [[ "$mh" ]]; then prop[in_progress]=merge; fi local oc=$(git-get-file rebase-apply/original-commit) local fcm=$(git-get-file rebase-apply/final-commit) local sc=$(git-get-file rebase-merge/stopped-sha) # also REBASE_HEAD) # local sm=$(git-get-file rebase-merge/message) # also MERGE_MSG test "$oc" && actg in_progress s "Show current patch '$fcm'" "show $oc" test "$sc" && actg in_progress s "Show current patch '$sm'" "show $sc" git status --untracked-files=no | while read a; do
if [[ "$a" =~ "currently (.) commit ([^.])" ]]; then prop[in_progress]=$match[1]; hash=$match[2]; fi [[ "$a" =~ "currently ([^ ])" ]] && prop[in_progress]=$match[1] [[ "$a" =~ "while ([^ ])" ]] && prop[in_progress]=$match[1] [[ "$a" =~ 'git ((.) --edit-todo)' ]] && actg in_progress v "view and edit $match[2] todo list" "$match[1]" [[ "$a" =~ 'git ((.) --continue)' ]] && actg in_progress c "continue $match[2]" "$match[1]" [[ "$fcm" && "$a" =~ 'git ((.) --skip)' ]] && actg in_progress S "skip current patch '$fcm'" "$match[1]" [[ "$sm" && "$a" =~ 'git ((.) --skip)' ]] && actg in_progress S "skip current patch '$sm'" "$match[1]" [[ "$a" =~ 'git ((.*) --abort)' ]] && actg in_progress C "cancel $match[2]" "$match[1]" done }

in_progress() { local conflict_pattern='^(^<<<<<<< )|(^=======$)|(^>>>>>>> )' #prs conflicted '%1 file(s)' "grep -e '$conflict_pattern' -- $(echo $(git diff --name-only --relative)) null
# | wc -l | ( read c; echo $(((c+2)/3)))" grep -s -r -n -e "$conflict_pattern" -- $(echo $(git diff --name-only --relative)) /dev/null > conflicts prop s conflicted 'conflict(s)' "$(cat conflicts | wc -l | ( read c; echo $(((c+2)/3))))" #acti conflicted 'e' "edit with vim quickfix" 'vim -q <(grep -n -e '$conflict_pattern' -- $(echo $(git diff --name-only --relative)))' #acti conflicted 'e' "edit with vim quickfix" 'vim -q <(grep -n -e '$conflict_pattern' -- $(echo $(git diff --name-only --relative)))' acti conflicted 'e' "edit with vim quickfix" 'vim -q conflicts' prs unmerged '%1 file(s)' 'ls-files --unmerged | cut -f2 | sort -u | wc -l' actg unmerged t "Run merge tool" mergetool [ $prop[conflicted] = 0 ] &amp;&amp; actg unmerged a "Add" "add $(git diff --name-only --relative)" # git diff --diff-filter=U --name-only # git add $(git diff --diff-filter=U --name-only) prop s in_progress '%1' "$(git status --untracked-files=no HEAD | grep -q -i -e "you are" -e "in progress" && echo "an operation")" actg in_progress ' ' "Check head status" 'status --untracked-files=no HEAD' # without modifered git-status-parse # TODO: # git status -uno HEAD | grep 'rebase in progress' # git commit --amend # git rebase --edit-todo


select_branch() { select a in $(git branch --format='%(refname:short)'); do break; done [ $quiet = 0 ] && espeak -v en+f4 "Selected branch $a" 2> /dev/null & echo $a }

diff_to_quickfix() { local file= while read a;do [[ "$a" =~ "^+++ (.)" ]] && file=$match [[ "$a" =~ "^@@.+([0-9]+)" ]] && echo "$file:$match:$a" done #perl -ne '/^+++ (.+)/ && { $f="$1"};/@@.*+(\d+)/ &&print "$f:$1:$_\n"' }

xdg-open() {

test "$SSH_CLIENT" \
	&& ssh ${SSH_CLIENT%% *} xdg-open $PWD/modifications.html \
	|| /usr/bin/xdg-open "$@"


modifications() { reset-actions git diff --stat actg modified ' ' "show diff of the modifications" 'diff' actg modified 'l' "run difftool" "difftool" actg modified 'h' "html view" "diff --relative --no-prefix | pygmentize -l diff -O full -o modifications.html; xdg-open modifications.html" print-actions ask '>' [ "$REPLY" = $'\n' ] && return

[ -z "$actk[$REPLY]" ] && return
test "$verbose" && echo "$actk[$REPLY]"
eval $actk[$REPLY]
test "$action" && exit


modified() { ## checks for modified and staged(cached) files and what to do with them

prs modified '%1 file(s)' 'ls-files --modified | wc -l'
acti modified ' ' "show modifications" "modifications"
actg modified u "update stage with modifications selectively" 'add --patch'
actg modified s "push into stash selectively" 'stash push --patch'
actg modified d "discard selectively" 'checkout --patch'
acti modified 'e' "edit with vim quickfix" "vim -q <(git diff -U0 --relative --no-prefix | diff_to_quickfix)"
actg modified 'g' "gui" "gui"

prs staged '%1 file(s)' 'diff --name-only --staged | wc -l'
actg staged ' ' "show" 'diff --staged'
acti staged e "edit with vim quickfix" "vim -q <(git diff -U0 --staged --relative --no-prefix | diff_to_quickfix)"
actg staged c "commit" commit
actg staged g "run GUI commit tools" citool
actg staged r "unstage (reset) modifications selectively" 'reset --patch'
actg staged R "unstage (reset) all modifications" reset


head-branch() { rep head "%1 '@v'" 'describe --all --contains --always' acti head ' ' 'print report' report actg head c 'show the last commit' 'show --stat' acti head e "edit with vim quickfix" "vim -q <(git show -U0 --relative --no-prefix | diff_to_quickfix)" actg head l 'list recent log' $'log --pretty="format:%ar: %ae: %h %s \e[4m%D\e[0m" --reverse -n $((LINES-2))' actg head s "check the head status" 'status --untracked-files=no HEAD' # without modifered acti head k "explore with gitk" "gitk" acti head t "text-mode interface for Git" tig actg head a "amend the last commit" "commit --amend" actg head u "undo the last commit" "reset --soft HEAD~1"

rep branch "%1 '@v'" 'rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD'
rep local_branches '%1' 'branch | wc -l'
	$'%(committerdate:short) - %(align:left,25)%(committerdate:relative)'
	$'%(upstream:trackshort) %(end)'
	$'%(align:left,25)\e[37m%(objectname:short)\e[0m \e[1m%(refname:short)\e[0m%(end)'
	$'%(subject)\e[3;37m. %(authorname)\e[0m')
actg local_branches ' ' 'list' "for-each-ref --sort=committerdate --format '$branches_format' refs/heads"
actg local_branches 's' 'switch' 'switch $(select_branch)'
rep remote_branches '%1' 'branch --remote | wc -l'
actg remote_branches ' ' 'list recent' "branch --remotes --sort=committerdate --format '$branches_format' | tail -n $((LINES-2))"

prs stashes '%1' 'stash list | wc -l'
actg stashes ' ' "show and list stash" 'stash show; git stash list --stat'
actg stashes o "pop from stash" 'stash pop'
actg stashes d "drop the topmost stash" 'stash drop'
rep commited '%1' 'log -1 --format="%ar"'


remote() { rep remote '%1' "config --get branch.$prop[branch].remote" local h=$git_dir/FETCH_HEAD test -e $h && prop l fetch_age '%1 (min) @v'
"$(((date +%s - stat -c %Z $h) / 60))" #((fetch= ! ${#fetch_age} || $prop[fetch_age] > 10 || $prop[fetch_age] < 0)) if [[ -z "$prop[fetch_age]" || "$prop[fetch_age]" -gt 360 || "$prop[fetch_age]" -lt 0 ]]; then git fetch --all --prune

	prs gone_branches '%1' "branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | wc -l"
	actg gone_branches 'd' "delete merged gone branches" 'branch -d $(git branch --format="%(if:equals=[gone])%(upstream:track)%(then)%(refname:short)%(else)%(end)")'
	actg gone_branches 'D' "delete all gone branches" 'branch -D $(git branch --format="%(if:equals=[gone])%(upstream:track)%(then)%(refname:short)%(else)%(end)")'
if [[ $prop[remote] ]]; then
	prs local_commits '%1' 'rev-list --count @{push}..'
	actg local_commits ' ' "list" "log @{push}.."
	actg local_commits p "Push to remote" push
	rep remote_commits '%1' 'rev-list --count HEAD..@{u}'
	actg remote_commits ' ' "list" 'log --stat HEAD..@{u}'
	actg remote_commits l "pull from remote" 'pull --autostash'
else # when there is no remote assigned
	rep head_remote '%1' "config --get branch.$prop[head].remote"
	if hr=$prop[head_remote] && [ $prop[branch] != HEAD ]; then
		echo head_remote $prop[head_remote]
		echo hr $hr
		echo branch $prop[branch]
		actg branch p "Push new branch to remote $hr" "push --set-upstream $hr $prop[branch]"


action_itemes() { rep action_itemes '%1' 'grep --no-messages --max-depth=2 -w -eTODO -eFIXME | wc -l' actg action_itemes ' ' list 'grep --no-messages -w -n -eTODO -eFIXME' acti action_itemes 'e' edit 'vim -q <(git grep -w -n -eTODO -eFIXME)' }

untracked() { prs untracked '%1 file(s)' 'ls-files --others --exclude-standard --directory| wc -l' actg untracked ' ' "list" 'status --untracked-files=normal' actg untracked a "add and stage" 'add --interactive' actg untracked c "cleanup" 'clean --interactive -d' acti untracked r "remove selectively" 'rm --recursive --interactive=always $(git ls-files --others --directory --exclude-standard --exclude .gitignore)' actg untracked i "ignore"
'ls-files --others --directory --exclude-standard --exclude .gitignore
>> .gitignore' }

git-general() { # rep - property for report only, prs - long and short git_dir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir) rep root '%1 @v' 'rev-parse --show-toplevel'



gitw-start() { case $1 in report) git-general report exit;; '') true until [ $? -eq 1 ] ; do reset git-general # summary perform-actions done ;; *) echo Unknown command $1. ;; esac }

fail() { let fails+=1 set | grep HIST history setopt echo }

[ "$1" = unit-tests ] && { local fails=0 #d=$(mktemp -d) d=/tmp/git-wizard-test rm -rf $d mkdir $d pushd $d touch empty HISTFILE=qqq SAVEHIST=3 set -o pipefail git-wizard --action y | grep Initialized || fail ls -A #git-wizard popd #rm -rf $d echo Fails: $fails exit $fails }

if [ $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2&gt; /dev/null) ]; then gitw-start "$@" else out "" "" "Here is no a git repository" for c in $(xsel) $(xsel --clipboard); do if _=$(expr match "$c" ".:./.git."); then echo "Clipboard content looks like git url: $c" ask 'Clone? (y/n)' echo [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] && git clone "$c" fi done ask 'Create empty? (y/n)' echo [[ $REPLY y =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] && git init . test -d .git fi exit $? /48


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