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Object History

Qilin.Cloud edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 11 revisions

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Each object in Qilin.Cloud API that is readable by [GET] HTTP verb has an internal history. With this history you are able to get a precise diff between two versions of an object.

With this diff your application is empowered to only process the changes, that really occurred, without any unnecessary overhead, helping you to keep traffic and ressources as small as possible to reduce time and costs and rise efficieness.


You can retrieve a diff between 2 specific versions by using the .../{id}/history - endpoints of each Qilin.Cloud API. For the endpoints, you will find more information in out endpoint documentation.

You can control the diff creation with the following two query parameters:

name example value remark
startversion 39 optional
endversion 42 required

⚠️ The query parameter startversion is optional. You can leave it null. If it is not provided, Qilin.Cloud API will return the diff from the creation of the object, till the endversion.

You will find the version field within each readable object. For more information read this: Object Versioning.





      "version": 39,
      "applied": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "API-User": "1123agf-1298fa3-14f2",
      "HTTP Method": "Add",
      "HTTP Path": "/name",
      "data": {
         "name": "FMCG, Europe West, Main, A"
      "version": 40,
      "applied": "2019-08-27T09:27:31Z",
      "API-User": "9a36agf-1298fa3-15g1",
      "HTTP Method": "Update",
      "HTTP Path": "/name",
      "data": {
         "name": "FMCG, D-A-CH, Main"
      "version": 41,
      "applied": "2021-01-06T07:58:41Z",
      "API-User": "9a36agf-1298fa3-15g1",
      "HTTP Method": "Update",
      "HTTP Path": "/address",
      "data": {
         "entryCode": "9135572",
         "additionalAddressInformation": "Please use entry system on left side of security area"
      "version": 42,
      "applied": "2023-07-03T15:07:26Z",
      "API-User": "1123agf-1298fa3-14f2",
      "HTTP Method": "Update",
      "HTTP Path": "/name",
      "data": {
         "name": "FMCG, Germany, Main"