Project Planet is a platform where Organisations and Social Works can post their requirements and find collaborators for their requirements. In this platform, NGOs, and organizations can collaborate with the volunteers and other social workers so that they can work together and help to make our Planet sustainable and a better place for living.
Snapshot of some important pages,
- Home
- User Dashboard
- User Profile
- Chat Section
Live Demo: Hosted on Firebase or this
npm install
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
- Hardik Kaushik
- Raman Sharma
- Vaibav
- Ankit
Technologies, Programming Languages, Components, APIs and Frame-work used:
- Front_Web: Will give the info about the website.
- Dashboard: Heart of the Website, where all the works from posting a post to updating the profile will be there.
- Login_Registration: Will create and authenticate the users.
- Redux: To manage the main store of the whole application.
- FireBase: For Backend and Database, Firebase CLI.
- Google APIs: Dialogueflow Chat Application
- Google Meet: For Collaboration of NGOs and Volunteers.
- Programming languages: Javascript, JSX, CSS, HTML.
- Weather API: Open-Weather App.
- Fonts: Google Fonts
- Colors and theme: Color Hunt
- Icons and Components: Material UI, Bootstrap,Font Awesome
- Login and Signup theme: Github Repository
- Graphics: Undraw