Scripts to notify about and perform updates of unpacked software (mostly by scrapping download pages)
performs update checks for the software.
DO NOTE that the scripts check against the last known version (saved as ./*/last_version.state
not what may be installed on your systems. Therefore you will get one notification when a new update is discovered;
there will not be constant nagging should you decide not to update.
runs update checks for all executable ./*/
unless you create a whitelist
file in the repo root. Then, it will only run whitelisted update checkers.
Whitelist update checkers by putting thier folder names in the whitelist
file, one per line.
The ./whitelist
file as noted above.
Configure who gets informed about updates by placing a mailto file in either the repo root (fallback),
or the individual folders. If there is no mailto file in a specific folder, the fallback will be used.
cat mailto
if fed to mailx as "To", so make sure whatever you put in this file makes mailx happy.