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About the Data

The Palmer Penguins dataset contains size measurements for three penguin species observed on three islands in the Palmer Archipelago, Antarctica. The dataset consists of 7 columns. species: penguin species (Chinstrap, Adélie, or Gentoo) culmen_length_mm: culmen length (mm) culmen_depth_mm: culmen depth (mm) flipper_length_mm: flipper length (mm) body_mass_g: body mass (g) island: island name (Dream, Torgersen, or Biscoe) in the Palmer Archipelago(Antarctica) sex: penguin sex

Some Terms to know

What are culmen length & depth? Answer. The culmen is "the upper ridge of a bird's beak".

What are flippers? Answer. Penguins wings are called flippers. They are flat, thin, and broad with a long, tapered shape and a blunt, rounded tip.

Refrence to the dataset -

We find the following

  • Is the relationship significant?

  • Are any model assumptions violated?

  • Is there any multicollinearity in the model?

  • In the multivariate models are predictor variables independent of all the other predictor variables?

  • In in multivariate models rank the most significant predictor variables and exclude insignificant ones from the model.

  • Does the model make sense?

  • Does regularization help?

  • Which independent variables are significant?

  • Which hyperparameters are important?