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Uses NLP and emotion analysis to recommend movies based off what you feel at the moment.

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A website made using Python & Django that uses NLP (Natural Language Processing) to recommend movies based off of the emotion you are currently feeling.

I made this project because I wanted try using some HuggingFace models and wanted to learn some NLP skills to showoff.

This project uses movies.csv as the dataset, so, not ALL movies you get recommended are up-to-date. I think the movie year ranges are [1985, ~2018]

Table of Contents


Website is here:


In the text-box, type out how you are currently feeling in this format: "I am feeling x" where "x" is your current emotion.

  • Example: I am feeling happy
  • Example: I am feeling scared

DISCLAIMER: Obviously there are some limitations and the program is not perfect, please go to the limitations section for more info.


This program uses 4 different algorithms/models to recommend you movies. First being an algorithm I made, the second & third being a model from, last one, "NRCLex" which isn't a model, rather, a it is a Python package that provides a lexicon-based approach for natural language processing tasks, such as sentiment analysis, emotion detection, and opinion mining... however, for sake of this project, I will refer NRCLex as a model.

My Algorithm

This is an algorithm that I made using the dataset provided above in the introduction. This algorithm reads the genres of the movies and tries to assign it common emotions that is experienced by the watcher. (obviously these emotions are subjective)
Below I will show the code of how this algorithm was constructed.

def movie_emo_model(user_text):
    file_ = open(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'movies.csv'))
    movie_emo_df =  pd.read_csv(file_)

    for g in ['genres']:
        movie_emo_df[g] = movie_emo_df[g].fillna('')

    for index, value in movie_emo_df['genres'].items():
        ex = value.split()
        if ex:
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'genres'] = ex[0]

    movie_emo_df['emotios'] = None

    for index, value in movie_emo_df['genres'].items():
        if value == 'Action':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'excitement'

        elif value == 'Thriller':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'surprise curiosity'

        elif value == 'Horror':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'fear'

        elif value == 'Adventure':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'excitement joy'

        elif value == 'Comedy':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'joy amusement'

        elif value == 'Romance':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'love caring approval'

        elif value == 'Mystery':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'curiosity'

        elif value == 'Drama':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'excitement'

        elif value == 'Fantasy':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'adventure'

        elif value == 'Science':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'curiosity'

        elif value == 'War':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'sadness grief remorse anger'

        elif value == 'Western':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'neutral'

        elif value == 'Family':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'caring joy'

        elif value == 'Animation':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'joy'

        elif value == 'Documentary':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'curiosity realization'

        elif value == 'Crime':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'realization'

        elif value == 'Fiction':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'excitement curiosity'

        elif value == 'Music':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'love caring'

        elif value == 'History':
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'neutral'

    #this is because some GENRES were left blank in the .csv file
    for index, value in movie_emo_df['emotions'].items():
        if pd.isna(value):
            movie_emo_df.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'none'

The "emotions" assigned to those "genres" are not random. Those emotions coincides with the other 3 models that I will describe below. If you want to see the accuracy score of each mode, please go to the Accuracy Score section.


I chose to construct my algorithm like that because the algorithm works very well with the EmoRoberta, again, you can see the accuracy scores here: Accuracy Score

I could have used the NLTK Python library and maybe TextBlob, however, after tesing it out in Google Colabs the results were tremendously terrible. Moreover, using the NLTK to read genres would mostly return "neutral" value.

In addition, I thought of reading the movie description which is around 2-3 sentences and conjure up an emotion based off of that, but that did not work either. I tried using stopwords, lemmatizing, and stemming, and more.

Another thing to note, "we did not use stemming of words as some information is lost while stemming a word to its root form" (reference: So even if I did stem the words, the NLTK library most likely would have had a hard time giving an accurate representation.

BONUS: I tried using IBM Watson Tone Analyze but it performed a little bit better than NRCLex. I did not include it here because there are limited API calls to use IBM Watson.


This is a model from, this model was trained with a "Dataset labelled 58000 Reddit comments with 28 emotions". If you visit the website, you can see that the emotions from the My Algorithm match together.

This is also the same model that is used to read user_text.


This is a model from, this model is very similar to the NRCLex since they both use "six basic emotions", however, NRCLex also comes with positive and negative sentiments, which can be used for Sentiment Analysis.


Similar to the Ekman, this library "contains approximately 27,000 words, and is based on the National Research Council Canada (NRC) affect lexicon". They do give similar resultss, however, the Ekman is much more accurate

Training and Testing

After putting together all the 4 options, I then started training and testing them so I can come up with an accuracy score. The training and testing was done with the scikit-learn module.

Measuring Accuracy

Below is Python code to show how the accuracy was measured. **You can also find the entire code in script.

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import pandas as pd
labels = LabelEncoder()

#these were respective dataframes that was already compiled and processed in Google Colab...
#You can also find the dataframes in '', NRCLEX and movie_alg have their own processed dataframe there
movie_df = None
lex_df = None

emo = pd.read_csv('/content/emo_test.csv')
ekkman = pd.read_csv('/content/ekman_test.csv')
movie_alg = movie_df
lexy = lex_df

#removing nan's from the dataframes because *SOME* movies DO NOT have a 'genre'
def remove_nan():
    for index, value in emo['emotions'].items():
        if pd.isna(value):
            emo.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'placeholder'

    for index, value in ekkman['emotions'].items():
        if pd.isna(value):
            ekkman.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'placeholder'

    for index, value in lexy['emotions'].items():
        if pd.isna(value):
            lexy.loc[index, 'emotions'] = 'placeholder'

#this is where the accuracy testing is done
def accuracy():

    #assume that movie_orig is the original 'y' i.e. the results we want for the models to predict
    movie_orig = None

    emo_X = emo['emotions']
    ekman_X = ekkman['emotions']
    movie_X = movie_alg['emotions'] 
    lexy_X = lexy['emotions']

    y = movie_orig['emotions'] 

    plots = {} #key = current alg | value = hashmap of models as keys and scores as values

    for key, current_X in [('emoRoberta', emo_X), ('ekman', ekman_X), ('movie_alg', movie_X),  ('nrclex', lexy_X)]:
        #need to turn output (__X) into numerical representation
        X_labeling = labels.fit_transform(current_X)
        X = X_labeling.reshape(-1, 1)

        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.20)

        model_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier()
        model_log = LogisticRegression()
        model_forest = RandomForestClassifier()

        # #fit them first, y_test), y_test), y_test)

        #Decision Tree
        predict_tree = model_tree.predict(X_test)
        score_tree = accuracy_score(y_test, predict_tree)

        #Logistic Regression
        predict_log = model_log.predict(X_test)
        score_log = accuracy_score(y_test, predict_log)

        #Random Forest
        predict_forest = model_forest.predict(X_test)
        score_forest = accuracy_score(y_test, predict_forest)

        plots[key] = {'Decision Tree': score_tree, 'Logistic Regression': score_log, 'Random Forest': score_forest}

    return plots

Some things to note:

  • The input ("X") were emotions constructed using the models , there were NOT numerical, so I used LabelEncoder() to convert the emotions into numerical representations.
  • The output ("y") was the emotions that the models were trying to predict.
  • The plots dictionary was used with seaborn to make the graph below.

Accuracy Score

Below is an image to show the accuracy score for all 4 models.


Here is the csv if you're interested: final_results.csv


Of course, there are limitations. The most important being is that these models do NOT always return the right emotion and emotion is subjective. Some of us associate horror movies as "fun" and some as "scary".

Another limitation is that these models read the genre and come up with an emotion, however, just reading a genre on its own, such as, Action or Adventure is difficult, how would one expect a model associate an emotion based off of a genre of movie?

Last limitation is that these models have been exposed to only a handful of emotions. If the emotion keyword you're feeling is not in one of the corpus of the models, then the models will give out "neutral" or the wrong emotion. For example, if you type in: I am feeling quirky 3 out of the 4 models might give you the wrong emotion associated with the word: quirky.


Over here I will describe how the emoRoberta and ekman were used to read off of the genres in the movies.csv. If you're interested in the other computations, such as "my algorithm" and "NRCLex", check Other than that, this code can be found at

import pandas as pd
from transformers import RobertaTokenizerFast, TFRobertaForSequenceClassification, pipeline

#first convert each genre into a 'feeling' (also called it 'cleaning up data')
def convert_to_feeling():
    df = pd.read_csv('/content/movies.csv')

    for g in df['genres']:
        if not g:
            df[g] = df[g].fillna('')

    for index, value in df['genres'].items():
        if not pd.isna(value):
            ex1 = value.split()
            if ex1:
                if len(ex1) > 1 and ex1[1] == 'am':
                    df.loc[index, 'genres'] = 'I am feeling ' + ex1[0].lower()

    df['emotions'] = None

    return df

def emoroberta_processing():
    lvg = convert_to_feeling()

    tokenizer = RobertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("arpanghoshal/EmoRoBERTa")
    model = TFRobertaForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("arpanghoshal/EmoRoBERTa")

    emotion = pipeline('sentiment-analysis', 
    for index, value in lvg['genres'].items():
        if not pd.isna(value):
            emotion_labels = emotion(value)
            emotionz = emotion_labels[0]['label']
            lvg.loc[index, 'emotions'] = emotionz

    #this is the same .csv in this project
    lvg.to_csv('emo_test.csv', index=False)

def ekman_processing():
    bhj = convert_to_feeling()

    ekman = pipeline('sentiment-analysis', model='arpanghoshal/EkmanClassifier')
    for index, value in bhj['genres'].items():
        if not pd.isna(value):
            ekman_labels = ekman(value)
            emotions = ekman_labels[0]['label']
            bhj.loc[index, 'emotions'] = emotions

    #this is the same .csv in this project
    bhj.to_csv('ekman_test.csv', index=False)

Movie Dataset

Please note that the movies that you get recommended are from a DATASET THAT DOES NOT GET UPDATED, so, more than likely, you won't see any movies past ~2018. This is the data: movies.csv

Credits and References

Last but not least, got to give credit where credit is due.

© 2023 Pouria Salekani. All Rights Reserved.


Uses NLP and emotion analysis to recommend movies based off what you feel at the moment.







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