Syntax Highlighting für Ion für Sublime / VSCode / Textmate und andere die tmLanguage files akzeptieren. Die Aktuelle version sollte alle Tokens von Ion Highlihgten können.
This tmLanguage
file provides highlighting for Ion a language made for the bitwise project.
It should be able to highlight any tokens that are in the language.
It works with VSCode / Sublime / Textmate.
Initial release of the Ion-Highlighter
Fixed issue missed some types as i didn't look them up.
Fixed a bug with sizeof as it has colored the paren after the type
Did change some of the patterns so that we get highlighting for return types and parameters
Add sublime-syntax and vscode-package Change one version number!
Some changes to the regex things is was quite hard to get it working properly
Fixed #6 simply adding union silly me.
Add Import and defer
Fixed the comment as it was somehow broken if someone didn't add newline