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The Unified Turing Machine - The Mythical Strong Fast Computer in Plain Text, that Solves the "impossible halting problem" of Classic Turing Machines, in the Spirit of the Open Internet


  • Universal Transformer
  • Autonomous Baseline Intelligence (ABI)
  • Function as a Operating System
  • Halting Complete
  • Concept Libraries
  • Action Oriented
  • Single Network Lock (Mutex as Ownership)
  • Asynchronous Graph Framework
  • Composable Strategies
  • Stage Planner (Hierarchal Planning/Higher Order Reasoning)
  • Prioritization
  • Change Detection
  • Plain Text Dialog Output
  • Hot Loading
  • No Dependency Injection

Getting Started

  • Stratimux @ npm
  • Huirth - User Interface MVP and Stratimux Project Sidekick Application, this will be decomposed into an advanced starter template and the concepts that allow for the user interface will be merged into this repository.
  • Stratimux Assistant Work in progress GPT, rough sketch supplied information on this repository and a few articles about the project. Will flesh out more in the future.

Advice when Encountering Branch Prediction Errors.

The easiest means of detecting if your application is starting to encounter such errors is to enable the dialog and logging options on your Axium. To avoid running into these branch prediction errors. Attempt to limit your strategy assembly, qualities, and plans to be less than O(n^3). You will find that your functions will suddenly become probabilistic in their ability execution deterministically.

Thankfully, this is the reason for the atomic behavior of your qualities combined with strategies and plans. As you may shrink time complexity into a series of steps. Or better yet, if you are relying on accessing some parameters from your state. Be sure to flattened those data structures into something that can readily be accessed.

When in doubt simplify.

Concept Index

  • Action Strategy - Data structure that allows for Stratimux to be provably terminating.
  • Axium - Governing concept that contains the set of concepts that formalizes each axium.
  • Concept - Concepts are composed of state, qualities, principles, and mode.
  • Stage Planner - Slices your application into different stages and prevents action overflows.
  • Action Controller - Allows methods to be performed asynchronously.
  • Strategy Data - Enables the Action Strategy pattern to perform as a "Universal Transformer."
  • Data Oriented Functional Inheritance - Demonstrates "Unification of Concepts," as a method of functional inheritance.
  • Spatial Ownership - A single lock concept that can be within a single process or network of axiums.

Want to learn more?

Consistency Update v0.1.72

  • Added a new Axium Quality: axiumRegisterTimeOut, that accepts an action and specified timeout that will run the axiumTimeOut function then succeed an incoming strategy if present.
    • This likewise fulfills the original purpose of buffer, even in a complex scenario.

v0.1.71 5/16/2024

  • Finally removed the need to add "as Subject | UnifiedSubject" when creating methods that access state or concepts.
  • Added then removed a new Buffer Method Creator Series. See branch Stash-Buffer for details.

v0.1.69 5/15/2024

  • Added priority to axium strategies.
  • Improved consistency of logic due the above change.
  • Exported isAxiumOpen helper function.

Strategy Priority v0.1.68 5/15/2024

  • Added priority to strategies, this priority will be assigned to each step issued by such.
    • With this change you may now have strategies jump all lines upon creation, ensuring some change prior to other action's taking effect.
    • Unless a ActionNode or incoming Action created by createActionNode has its own priority, then that takes precedents. But does not effect the Strategy's overall priority.

Road Map (Updated 5/31/24)

Beyond v0.2.0

  • Will be focusing on parallel development of Stratimux and Huirth in order to create developer tools and scaffolding.
  • Planned
    • Action Graph
    • Project Scaffolding
    • Spoilers

Developer Experience Update v0.2.0

  • The have moved the need to set semaphores across the board.
  • This imposes two breaking changes:
    • Set Interfaces: Add the ability to access primed Actions(done), KeyedSelectors(pending), and new isTypeValidator(pending) helper functions for action comparisons directly in principles, plans, and qualities.
      • { a: Actions, s: KeyedSelectors, t: Ists }
      • This will be accomplished via a specific type cast of a Actions, KeyedSelectors, and IsTypeValidators (IsT via semaphore comparison) properties access directly from Principles, Plans, and Stages, or new Access helper that accepts Concepts.
      • Selectors will be created dynamically, but you may create advanced selectors that will be primed.
      • You may also create new deeply nested array/record look up via a supplied creator assigned to s.
      • Will be adding default selectors to the Set Interface
        • s.getS(concepts) that will return the unified state from that observation.
        • s.getC(concepts) will return the current unified concept.
      • Same logic applies for IsT functions (e.g. t.axiumKick(action): true | false)
      • Will not be extending this feature to Qualities. As you may already access the new Set Interface via the new access via a method supplied the most recent Concepts.
    • Access - Is a new concept being unified into the Axium that can restrict what actions a foreign Axium may have access to.
      • This is being implemented with Authentication in mind, since the only true vulnerability is the ability to load and unload concepts on an Axium. Note that currently your Axiums are only accessible within scope when implementing the advanced project template via Huirth. With this change will create the option to have varying degrees of access that is defined at the time of creation per Axium.
      • Create an access function that returns ActionCreators and Selectors
        • These bundles will also feature a toJSON functionality so that they be hydrated on a Foreign Axium.
  • Dynamic Axium - Made the add and remove functionality an opt in by default to improve security. Enabled via the createAxium options by setting dynamic to true
  • strategyDetermine(action: Action, options) Helper function that will return an action with a strategy attached. This is to reduce the amount of boilerplate when handling actions in methods. As we are forcing all actions returned by the method to have a strategy attached to ensure halting.
  • Origin, Override, Hard Override
    • With these two additional concepts and variant unified into the Axium. These create the ability to enforce the sole existence of a single action from some plan. In higher levels of complexity due to priority there is a possibility of an Action intended to be dispatched a single time for some observation, may repeat between observations and still be qued. Pure Actions such as counterAdd are not impacted by this possibility. Thus this feature is truly for the Experts who may run into this issue and can be avoided via the beat parameter, but even within some complex set up...
    • Hard Override - This dispatch setting is effectively a destructive halt. And will conclude all active strategies currently in que from a given concept. Made for Experts who require a hard shift pending a specific observation and can account for the destructive halt.
      • Someone cuts you off while driving and the coffee you are drinking flies from the cupholder onto the dash, but didn't crash.
npm i stratimux

Project Structure

src/ index.ts
src/ concepts / uX / qualities / qOfUX.quality.ts
     concepts / uX / strategies / uXSome.strategy.ts
     concepts / uX / uX.concept.ts
     concepts / uX / uX.principle.ts
     tests / uX.test.ts


This paradigm affords for a powerful separation of concerns. And is the key feature that allows the User Interface concept that is currently in the processing of moving out of MVP. That affords for the easy isolation of client and server logic. With even the ease of handling server side rendering based on what concept your Brand is being unified with: server or client.

Treat your concepts as libraries and modules. As that was the initial inspiration for this system. Beyond this initial release, there will be a growing library of Standardized Concepts for utilization within your Axium. Including the ability to finally have an easy means of composing "Web Components," into your system. While enhancing upon their functionality, versus just the drop in.

import { Action, Mode, Quality, createConcept, PrincipleFunction } from 'stratimux';
import { uXqOfUXQuality } from './qualities/qOfUx.quality'
import { uXPrinciple } from './uX.principle'

export type UXState = {

export const uXName = 'uX';

export const createUXState = (): UXState => {
  return {

// Pass any arguments needed for your concept
export const createUXConcept = (
//  state: Record<string, unknown>,
//  qualities?: Quality[],
//  principles?: PrincipleFunction[],
//  mode?: Mode[]
) => {
  return createConcept(


This isolates all the parts necessary for your actions to have impact within this system. Be mindful of your types, as even though they are not explicitly used within this system. They likewise better inform training data, and likewise act as unique identifiers if you are not setting the semaphore ahead of time.

The semaphore is the method of quality selection within the Axium. This is to reduce the time complexity of each look up. And if you applications are purely static with no planned dynamic changes to the Axium's conceptual load. This values can be hard coded ahead of time. This is one of the planned features for Huirth. In addition to other scaffolding improvements, AI assistance, and more.

import {
} from 'stratimux';
import { UXState } from '../uX.concept';

function getRandomRange(min: number, max: number) {
  return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;

export type uXqOfUxField = {
  state: UXState

// [ActionCreator/ActionCreatorWithPayload, ActionType, Quality]
export const [uXqOfUX, uXqOfUXType, uXqOfUXQuality] = createQualitySetWithPayload<uXqOfUxField>({
  type: 'uX allows for easy selection of your qualities, qOfUX is your quality, and Type is the distinction',
  reducer: (state: UXState) => ({...state}),
  methodCreator: (concepts$?: Subject<Concepts>, semaphore?: number) =>
  // Only if you need to access state, otherwise
  createMethodWithState<UXState>((action, state) => {
    if (action.strategy) {
      // P/NP?
      const even = Math.round(getRandomRange(1, 5)) % 2;
      if (even) {
        const strategy = strategySuccess(action.strategy, strategyData_unifyData(action.strategy, {
        return strategy;
      } else {
        const strategy = strategyFailed(action.strategy);
        return strategy;
    return action;
  }, concepts$ as UnifiedSubject, semaphore as number)
/* Below are the default functions available for your quality */
// export const qOfUXQuality = createQuality(
//   qOfUXType,
//   defaultReducer(Informs)/nullReducer(Doesn't Inform),
// The method is optional and is an advanced behavior enabling the quality to be used in an ActionStrategy
//   defaultMethodCreator
// );


Your concept's "main" function. This will be called after the axium initializes.

  • observer - Using will directly emit that action into the axium's action stream.
  • _concepts - Is the initial load of concepts when your principle is initialized
  • concepts$- Is the UnifiedSubject that controls the halting quality of Stratimux and informs principles, methods, and any general subscriber of state changes.
  • semaphore - This identifies the placement of your concept in the axium's conceptual set. This is used to determine if your concept is loaded and access state via the selectUnifiedState function.
import { Subscriber } from 'rxjs';
import {
} from 'stratimux';
import { UXState, uXName } from './uX.concept';
import { uXSomeStrategy, uXSomeStrategyTopic } from './strategies/uXSome.strategy';

export const uXPrinciple: PrincipleFunction = (
  _obs: Subscriber<Action>,
  _concepts: Concepts,
  concepts$: UnifiedSubject,
  semaphore: number
) => {
  // There always needs to be atleast one subscriber or plan for the Axium to be active.
  const plan = concepts$.plan('uX Plan', [
    // This will register this plan to the axium, this allows for the axium to close or remove your concept cleanly.
    stageWaitForOpenThenIterate(() => (axiumRegisterStagePlanner({conceptName: uXName, stagePlanner: plan}))),
    createStage((concepts, dispatch) => {
      const state = selectUnifiedState<UXState>(concepts, semaphore);
      if (state) {
        dispatch(strategyBegin(uXSomeStrategy()), {
          iterateStage: true
    }, {beat: 30}),
    createStage((concepts) => {
      const {lastStrategy} = getAxiumState(concepts);
      if (lastStrategy === uXSomeStrategyTopic) {
    }, {beat: 30})


When you are creating your strategies within this system of design. You are optimizing towards success, and majority of your strategies should be taking place within that mind set. Failure is just a chance to get back on track and see the end of some strategy, but likewise you have to account for that failure ahead of time.

This approach to algorithm design is the core strength of Stratimux, but likewise its weakness due to branch prediction. Therefore be mindful if your strategies behave in unexpected ways. The Stage Planner paradigm, especially the beat attribute should be your first go to. As chances are your logic is becoming to complex and you need to tone down when parts of your application are notified changes to state.

import { ActionStrategy, axiumKick, axiumLog, createActionNode, createStrategy } from 'stratimux';
import { uXqOfUX } from '../qualities/qOfUx.quality';

export const uXSomeStrategyTopic = 'uX Some Error Correcting Strategy';
export const uXSomeStrategy = (): ActionStrategy => {
  const stepSuccess = createActionNode(axiumLog());
  const stepFailure = createActionNode(axiumKick(), {
    successNode: stepSuccess,
  const stepBegin = createActionNode(uXqOfUX(), {
    successNode: stepSuccess,
    failureNode: stepFailure
  return createStrategy({
    topic: uXSomeStrategyTopic,
    initialNode: stepBegin


Notice that beyond creating the axium, there is no need for additional input. As the axium is a recursive function. Your concepts are initialized internally via the principle that you have assigned to your concept. Note that you may still subscribe, stage, and dispatch actions into an axium.

import { createAxium } from 'stratimux';
import { createUXConcept } from './concepts/uX/uX.concept';

(() => {
  const axiumName = 'Name of your axium';
  // First boolean sets logging to true.
  // Second set store dialog to true.
  //  This will log to the console the dialog of each successive ActionStrategy.
  //    And store the entire application context in the axium's dialog.
  // The final boolean will allow the action stream to be logged to console for debugging purposes
  createAxium(axiumName, [createUXConcept()], {logging: true, storeDialog: true, logActionStream: true});