This is a Java Project that helps to manage ".json", ".pis" and other associated documents.
You can add Data to your Java Project by following the steps below:
Add the JitPack repository to your build file.
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
Add the dependency:
Change Tag to the latest version of this Project (Jitpack)
Initiate Json using the various Json options listed below:
a. All packages in Json
b. All objects in json package
c. All objects in pis package
This is how to initiate it; using the Java syntax:
a. Create the Writer:
b. Set the path
c. Create the root storage
d. Get the root object
e. Add any key (String) - value (Any Object pair)
N.B: Objects can be any of these:
- int,
- float,
- long,
- double,
- Object,
- List/JsonArray (Represents JsonArray), &
- Map/JsonObject (Represents JsonObject)
N.B: JsonElement is the superclass of JsonObject & JsonArray
The full documentation will soon be released.
Stay tuned!