A simple n body simulator
git clone --recursive https://github.com/PegaFox/solar-system-creator
cd solar-system-creator
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
After installation, the folder can be moved to a custom location without causing problems
Mouse Scroll: Zoom
WASD: Pan camera
Space: pause/unpause
R: Clear universe
Right click: Create new body
Middle click: Select body
Left click: Drag selected body
Backspace: Delete selected body
Up/Down arrow keys: Change simulation speed
When paused, some options will show up
Turning up lookahead will show a prediction of where orbits will go
The save button will save the current state of the universe to a file called "save.txt"
The load button load the universe with whatever is in "save.txt"
When a body is selected, some additional options may appear
The follow button will make the simulation act as if the followed planet is pinned to the center of the universe
Velocity can be manipulated with the ang slider to change the angle, and changing the strength with the value to the right of the ang slider