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Fixtures Manager DynamoDb Driver

An abstraction layer for the dynamodb client of the AWS SDK to facilitate handling database fixtures for testing purposes, in a DynamoDb database. This package is ment to be used in conjunction with the dbfixtures package, but can also be used by itself.


npm install --save-dev dbfixtures-dynamodb-driver


This package exposes the

  clientConfiguration: dynamodbClient.ClientConfiguration,
  tableConfigs: { [key: string]: dynamodbClient.CreateTableInput }
}): Promise<IDriver>

function that returns a Promise that resolves with an instance of the driver.

Note1: For detailed information about the ClientConfiguration argument, please consult the AWS JS SDK DynamoDb constructor documentation.
Note2: For detailed information about the CreateTableInput argument, please consult the AWS JS SDK DynamoDb createTable documentation.

An instance of the driver exposes the following interface

// truncates the tables with the supplied names
truncate: (tableNames: string[]) => Promise<void>

// inserts the supplied items into the specified table
insertFixtures: (tableName: string, fixtures: [{}]) => Promise<void>

// does any necessary cleanup
close: () => Promise<void>


This example uses Mocha as the potential test runner.

const dbfixtures = require('dbfixtures');
const fixturesDynamodbDriver = require('dbfixtures-dynamodb-driver');

const dynamodbConfig = {
  region: 'eu-west-1',
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: 'test key',
    secretAccessKey: 'test key',
  endpoint: 'http://localhost:4566'

const tableConfigs = {
  roles: {
    TableName: 'roles',
    AttributeDefinitions: [
        AttributeName: "id",
        AttributeType: "N",
    KeySchema: [
        AttributeName: "id",
        KeyType: "HASH",
    ProvisionedThroughput: {
      ReadCapacityUnits: 5, 
      WriteCapacityUnits: 5
  users: {
    TableName: 'users',
    AttributeDefinitions: [
        AttributeName: "id",
        AttributeType: "N",
    KeySchema: [
        AttributeName: "id",
        KeyType: "HASH",
    ProvisionedThroughput: {
      ReadCapacityUnits: 5, 
      WriteCapacityUnits: 5
const fixtures = {
  'roles': [
    { id: { N: '1' }, name: { S: 'role 1' } },
    { id: { N: '2' }, name: { S: 'role 2' } },
  'users': [
    { id: { N: '1' }, email: { S: '[email protected]' }, role_id: { N: '2' } },
    { id: { N: '2' }, email: { S: '[email protected]' }, role_id: { N: '1' } },
    { id: { N: '3' }, email: { S: '[email protected]' }, role_id: { N: '1' } },

describe('fixtures example', function () {
  before(async function () {
    const dynamodbDriver = await fixturesDynamodbDriver.create({
      clientConfiguration: dynamodbConfig,

  after(async function () {
    await dbfixtures.closeDrivers();

  beforeEach(async function () {
    await dbfixtures.insertFixtures(fixtures);

  it('should have the database seeded with the fixtures', function () {
    // ...

Testing This Package

  • cd into the package's directory

  • run npm install

  • run npm run build

  • for unit tests run npm test -- test\unit\

  • for integration tests run npm test -- test\integration\
    NOTE: requires an active DynamoDb server available at localhost:4566

  • for end-to-end tests run npm test -- test\e2e\
    NOTE: requires an active DynamoDb server available at localhost:4566

Suggestion to setting up a DynamoDb server on your local machine

If you are using Docker, you can run the CLI command docker run --name testlocalstack -it -p 4566:4566 -e SERVICES=dynamodb localstack/localstack to raise a container with the Localstack image and make an instance of DynamoDb available through localhost:4566.