Ruby gem for Mavenlink's API v1.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'mavenlink'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install mavenlink
Please read the API documentation ( before using the gem.
You will also need your oauth_token, which can be found on your Mavenlink userpage.
#####Initialize a new client
require 'mavenlink'
cl =
###User #####Get users
# All users
users = cl.users
# Filter users
filtered_users = cl.users({:participant_in => 12345})
###Expense #####Get expenses
# All expenses
expenses = cl.expenses
# Filter expenses
filtered_expenses = cl.expenses({:workspace_id => 12345, :order => "date:asc" })
#####Create a new expense
#Required parameters : workspace_id, date, category, amount_in_cents
#Optional paramters : notes, currency
expense = cl.create_expense({ :workspace_id => 12345,
:date => "2012/01/01",
:category => "Travel",
:amount_in_cents => 100
#####Save and reload expense
#Savable attributes: notes, category, date, amount_in_cents
expense = cl.expenses.first
expense_copy = cl.expenses.first
expense.category = "Updated category"
# expense.category != expense_copy.category
# expense.category == expense_copy.category
#####Delete an expense
expense = cl.expenses.first
###Expense Category #####Get expense categories
# Returns an array of expense category strings
categories = cl.expense_categories
###Workspace #####Get workspaces
# All workspaces with all associated objects
workspaces = cl.workspaces({:include => "all"})
# Associated objects that can be included: primary_counterpart,participants,creator
workspaces = cl.workspace({:include => ['primary_counterpart', 'creator'])
# Filter and search workspaces
workspaces = @cl.workspaces({:search => "API Test Project"})
#####Create a new workspace
#Required parameters: title, creator_role(maven or buyer)
#Optional parameters: budgeted, description, currency, price, due_date, project_tracker_template_id
@cl.create_workspace({ :title => "Random Workspace X",
:creator_role => "maven"
#####Save and reload a workspace
#Savable attributes: title, budgeted, description, archived
wks = cl.workspaces.first
wks_copy = cl.workspaces.first
exp.titile = "Updated title"
# wks.title != wks_copy.title
# wks.title == wks_copy.title
#####Create a workspace invitation
wks = cl.workspaces.first
#Required parameters: full_name, email_address, invitee_role
#Optional parameters: subject, message
wks.create_workspace_invitation({ :full_name => "example name",
:email_address => "[email protected]",
:invitee_role => "maven"
#####Associated objects
wks = cl.workspaces.first
#Lead of opposite team
counterpart_user = wks.primary_counterpart
#Array of participating users
participants = wks.participants
#Creator of workspace
creator = wks.creator
###Invoice #####Get invoices
# All invoices
invoices = cl.invoices
# Associated objects that can be included: time_entries,expenses,additional_items,workspaces,user
invoices = cl.invoices({:include => ['user', 'expenses'])
# Filter invoices
invoices = @cl.invoices({:workspace_id => "12345,12346", :paid => "true"})
#####Reload a invoice
inv = cl.invoices.first
#####Associated objects
inv = cl.invoices.first
#Time entries of an invoice
time_entries = inv.time_entries
#Expenses of an invoice
expenses = inv.expenses
#Additional items returned as a hash
additional_items = inv.additional_items
#Workspaces related to the invoice
workspaces = inv.workspaces
#Creator of the invoice
user = inv.user
###TimeEntry #####Get time entries
# All time entries with all associated objects
entries = cl.time_entries({:include => 'all'})
# Associated objects that can be included: user,story,workspace
entries = cl.time_entries({:include => ['user', 'story'])
# Filter invoices
entries = @cl.entries({:workspace_id => 12345})
#####Create a new time entry
#Required parameters: workspace_id, date_performed, time_in_minutes
#Optional parameters: billable, notes, rate_in_cents, story_id
ent = @cl.create_time_entry({
:workspace_id => 12345,
:date_performed => "2013-07-04",
:time_in_minutes => 34,
:notes => "Notes for TE"
#####Reload and save a time entry
Savable attributes: date_performed, time_in_minutes, notes, rate_in_cents, billable
ent = cl.time_entries.first
ent_copy = cl.time_entries.first
ent.time_in_minutes = 10
# ent.category != ent_copy.time_in_minutes
# exp.category == exp_copy.category
#####Delete an existing time entry
ent = cl.time_entry.first
#####Associated objects
ent = cl.time_entries.first
#Workspace that the entry belongs to
wks = ent.workspace
#User that submitted the entry
user = ent.user
#Story associated with entry. nil if no story.
story = ent.story
###Story #####Get stories
# All stories
stories = cl.stories
# Associated objects that can be included: workspace,assignees,parent,sub_stories,tags
stories = cl.stories({:include => ['workspace', 'parent'])
# Filter and order stories
stories = @cl.stories({:workspace_id => 12345, :order => "created_at:asc", :parents_only => true})
#####Create a new story
#Required parameters: workspace_id, title, story_type(task, milestone or deliverable)
#Optional parameters: description, parent_id, start_date, due_date, assignees, budget_estimate_in_cents,
# time_estimate_in_minutes, tag_list
stry = @cl.create_story({
:workspace_id => 3467515,
:title => "New Task",
:story_type => "task"
#####Reload and save a story
#Savable attributes: title, description, story_type, start_date, due_date,
# state, budget_estimate_in_cents, time_estimate_in_minutes, percentage_complete
stry = cl.stories.first
stry_copy = cl.stories.first
stry.description = "Updated description"
# stry.description != stry_copy.description
# stry.description == stry_copy.description
#####Associated objects
stry = cl.stories.first
#Workspace that the story belongs to
workspace = story.workspace
#Parent story, if exists. Nil, otherwise
parent = stry.parent_story
#Array of Users assigned to the story
assignees = stry.assignees
#Sub-stories of this story
sub_stories = stry.sub_stories
#Array of tags as strings
tags = stry.tags
###Post #####Get posts
# All stories
posts = cl.posts
# Associated objects that can be included: subject,user,workspace,story,replies,newest_reply,newest_reply_user,recipients,google_documents,assets
stories = cl.stories({:include => ['subject', 'replies'])
# Filter and order posts
posts = @cl.posts({:workspace_id => 3484825, :parents_only => true})
#####Create a new post
#Required parameters: message, workspace_id
#Optional parameters: subject_id, subject_type, story_id, recipient_ids, file_ids
pst = @cl.create_post({
:message => "Created new post",
:workspace_id => 3484825
#####Reload and save a post
#Savable attributes: message, story_id
pst = cl.posts.first
pst_copy = cl.posts.first
pst.message = "Updated message"
# pst.message != pst_copy.message
# pst.message == pst_copy.message
#####Associated objects
pst = cl.posts.first
#Workspace that the story belongs to
workspace = pst.workspace
#Parent post, if exists. Nil, otherwise
parent = pst.parent_post
#User who created the post
user = pst.user
#Story associated with this post
story = pst.story
#Replies to this post as an array of Posts
replies = pst.replies
#Recipients of this post as an array of Users
recipients = pst.recipients
#Newest reply to this post, if exists. Nil otherwise.
newest_reply = pst.newest_reply
#User who posted the newest reply
newest_reply_user = pst.newest_reply_user
# An array of urls to associated google docs
google_documents = pst.google_documents
# A list of assets linked to this pst
assets = pst.assets
###Asset #####Create a new asset
# Required parameters: data (filepath of asset), type (expense or post)
:data => "example_file_path",
:type => "expense"
#####Save an asset
#Savable attributes: file_name
asset.file_name = "updated_file_name"
#####Delete an asset
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request