Implementation of LinkedList in JavaScript. Eventually will emulate JavaSE 7's LinkedList type.
Please make a feature request to be included in version 2 to enhance the LinkedList. Currently the module works as a Node module, RequireJS module and as a standalone module depending on how you want to use it.
- modCount - Number of times the list has been structurally modified.
Constructor | Description | Version Introduced |
LinkedList() | Constructs an empty list | 0.37.0 |
LinkedList(Collection) | Constructs a list using the colelction passed in the order they are in the collection. | 1.0.0 |
Checked items indicate working functionality. Unchecked items are not implemented as of yet. Methods taken from java.util.LinkedList implementation which can be found at
Return | Method Name | Method Description | Version Introduced |
bool | add(Element) | Adds the specified Element to the end of the list. | 0.37.0 |
bool | add(index, Element) | Adds the specified Element at the specified position in the list. Does not replace the Element. | 0.37.0 |
bool | addAll(Collection) | Appends all of the elmeents in the specified collection to the end of the list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's itterator. | 1.0.0 |
bool | addAll(index, Collection) | Inserts all of the elments in the specified collection into the list, starting at the specified position. | 1.0.0 |
bool | addFirst(Element) | Inserts the specified Element at the beginning of the list. | 0.37.0 |
bool | addLast(Element) | Appends the specified Element to the end of the list. | 0.37.0 |
void | clear() | Removes all of the Elements from the list. | 0.37.0 |
Object | clone() | Returns a shallow copy of the list. | 0.37.0 |
bool | contains(Object) | Returns true if the list contains the specified object. | 0.37.0 |
Element | Element() | Returns, but does not remove, the head (first Element) of this list. | 0.37.0 |
Element | get(index) | Returns the Element at the specified index. | 0.37.0 |
Element | getFirst() | Returns the first Element in the list. | 0.37.0 |
Element | getLast() | Returns the last Element in the list. | 0.37.0 |
int | indexOf(Object) | Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified object in the list, or -1 if the list doesn't contain the object. | 0.37.0 |
int | lastIndexOf(Object) | Returns the index of the last occurance of the specified object in the list, or -1 if this list does not contain the object. | 0.37.0 |
bool | offer(Element) | Adds the specified Element as the tail (last Element) of the list. | 0.37.0 |
bool | offerFirst(Element) | Adds the specified Element at the front of the list. | 0.37.0 |
bool | offerLast(Element) | Adds the specified Elements at the end of the list. | 0.37.0 |
Element | peek() | Retrieves, but does not remove, the head (first Element) of the list. | 0.37.0 |
Element | peekFirst() | Retrieves, but does not remove, the first Element of the list, or returns null if the list is empty. | 0.37.0 |
Element | peekLast() | Retrieves, but does not remove, the last Element of the list, or returns null if the list is empty. | 0.37.0 |
Element | poll() | Retrieves and removes the head (first Element) of the list. | 0.37.0 |
Element | pollFirst() | Retrieves and removes the first Element of the list, or returns null if the list is empty. | 0.37.0 |
Element | pollLast() | Retrieves and removes the last Element of the list, or returns null if the list is empty. | 0.37.0 |
Element | pop() | Pops an Element from the stack represented by this list. | 0.37.0 |
bool | push(Element) | Pushes an Element onto the stack represented by the list. | 0.37.0 |
Element | remove() | Retrieves and removes the head (first Element) of the list. | 0.37.0 |
Element | remove(index) | Retrieves and removes the Element at the specified index. | 0.37.0 |
Element | removeFirst() | Retrieves and removes the first Element from the list. | 0.37.0 |
bool | removeFirstOccurrence(Object) | Removes the first occurance of the specified object in the list (when traversing from head to tail). | 0.37.0 |
Element | removeLast() | Removes and returns the last Element in the list. | 0.37.0 |
bool | removeLastOccurrence(Object) | Removes the last occurance of the specified object in the list (when traversing from head to tail). | 0.37.0 |
Element | set(index, Element) | Replaces the Element at the specified position in the list with the specified Element. Returns the Element previously at the specified position. | 0.37.0 |
int | size() | Returns the number of Elements in the list. | 0.37.0 |
Object | toArray() | Returns an array containing all of the Elements in the list in proper sequence (from head to tail). | 0.37.0 |
string | toString() | Returns a string representation of the list. The string representation consists of a list of the list's Elements in order from head to tail, enclosed in square brackets ("[]"). Adjacent Elements are separated by the characters ", " (comma and space). Note: Does not expand objects/arrays. | 0.37.0 |
Return | Method Name | Method Description | Version Included |
bool | insertAfter(index,Element) | Adds the specified Element to the list one position after the specified index. | 0.37.0 |
bool | insertBefore(index,Element) | Adds the specified Element to the list one position before the specified index. | 0.37.0 |
void | sort(Function) | Sorts the list based on the function passed in the same manner as JavaScript's Array.prototype.sort. | 0.37.0 |
void | sortedAdd(Element,Function) | Adds an Element into the list in a sorted position based upon the function passed in the same manner as JavaScript's Array.prototype.sort. | 0.38.0 |