Code developed by Basita Das to screen for materials. This code is based on the origanl code developed by Muang Thway, and can be foudn at
The dataset used to the analysis can be download rom here ( This data was downloaded from the Materials Project database on June 2022.
- main file from where the code is run
- file where the charge neutrality filter, electronegativity balance filter, and the two-oxidation state filter is implemented.
File dependencies:
a) Pualing_ENs.xlsx
b) Wiki_charge_list.xlsx
c) charge_probabiloty_database.csv - file where the intra phase diagram filter, and cross phase diagram filter is implemented.
- file used to generate the ternary plots shown in Figure 3 in the paper.
- Create python environment according to requirements.txt
- The code is run from the file.
- Specify the results directory by updating the 'dir_name'
- Hit run, the results will be generated in the results directory in the sub_directory specified by the user.