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Super easy to use Webhook that works as a replacement to discords if you don't want to rely on them.

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Webhook & Logger

This project is a versatile PHP-based webhook and logger system with an easy-to-use web interface. It allows you to log incoming webhook data, including timestamps, IP addresses, and provides a streamlined way to view and manage logs.

Table of Contents


  1. Clone or download the repository into a spare folder.
  2. Copy all files except for .idea into your main server directory.
  3. Your website and hook will now be up and running!


Webhook Viewer

The Webhook Viewer provides a detailed display of incoming webhook messages with additional functionalities:

  • Search: Use the search bar to find specific keywords in the logs.
  • Date Filtering: Filter log entries by specifying start and end dates.
  • Reset Log: Click the "Reset Log" button to clear the entire log file.
  • Download Log: Download the entire log file using the "Download Log" button.
  • Navigation Buttons: Navigate through individual log entries easily.

PC Log Viewer

The PC Info Viewer organizes information sent with the header [Type: PC Info]. Each device's logs are accessible through links on the PC Log Viewer page. When a link is clicked, the information is shown in a drop-down fashion.

PC Info Viewer

The PC Info Viewer organizes information sent with the header [Type: PC Info]. Each device's information is accessible through links on the PC Info Viewer page. When a link is clicked, the information is shown in a drop-down fashion.


In future updates, additional customization options for headers will be introduced, providing users with even more control over their webhook messages.

Custom plaintext headers allow you to categorize and distinguish different types of webhook messages. They work by placing plaintext words inside square brackets so that the webhook can sort the messages to different sections of the webhook system based off the headers. Currently supported headers include:

  • [Type: PC Log]: Indicates a log message from a computer.
  • [Computer: PC1]: Specifies the name of the computer sending the log. In code this looks like: "[Type: PC Info] [Computer: {pc_name}] {data_to_send}" This makes a string with plaintext headers at the front and the webhook message afterwards. As you can see there's two headers. In this circumstance the first header sorts the message to a specific page of the webhook system. The second header specifies which PC the message came from, allowing the system to further sort the message into its own log file. This then makes any future messages of the type "PC Info" from the same PC get appended to that log file.
  • [Type: PC Logs]: Indicates information about a computer.
  • [Computer: PC1]: Specifies the name of the computer providing the information. Again, same logic as above. Except the message gets sorted to a different page and put in a different log file. This is especially helpful for things such as seperating information grabbing logs from keyboard logs. It also means the keyboard logs are then all stuck together in one nice log file. Neat right?

Look at the sending examples to see how to include these headers in a general message to the webhook (the explanation above is just more specific about it. The PC Info header helps the system distinguish between PC Logs and PC Info, ensuring proper organization and display. The headers are actually very simple and allow you to sort webhook messages across pages in the site. I recommend using them if you're sending lots of stuff to the webhook.

How to Send Data

You can send data to the webhook using various methods. Below are examples using JavaScript (fetch), cURL, HTTP(s), and HTML forms:

JavaScript (fetch):

// Example data to send
// Send plain text data using fetch with custom headers
fetch('https://your-webhook-url/webhook.php', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
    'Custom-Header': 'Header-Value',
    'Type': 'PC Log',  // Example Type header for PC Log
    'Computer': 'PC1',  // Example Computer header for PC Log
  body: '[Type: PC Log] [Computer: PC1] PC log content here.',
  .then(response => console.log('Webhook request sent successfully'))
  .catch(error => console.error('Error sending webhook request:', error));


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "Type: PC Log" -H "Computer: PC1" -d "[Type: PC Log] [Computer: PC1]\nPC log content here."

HTML form:

<form action="https://your-webhook-url/webhook.php" method="post">
  <input type="text" name="key1" value="value1">
  <input type="text" name="key2" value="value2">
  <input type="submit" value="Send to Webhook">

Replace https://your-webhook-url/webhook.php with the actual URL of your deployed webhook endpoint.

Other Features


There is a downloads page accessible via the landing page which contains a table with files you can download. The files have to uploaded to the website file system to the folder "file_downloads" and then the reference to the file has to be created in the table in downloads.html file.


This project is actively developed, and more features will be added over time. Contributions and suggestions are welcome! Use the provided examples as templates for integrating the webhook into your projects or testing it with various data formats.

Happy coding!

Feel free to let me know if there are any further adjustments or if you have additional requests!

I KNOW THIS README MAKES NO SENSE. I am working on it :).