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Multi key selection issues

K McNaught edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 4 revisions

Bad or failed multikey selection matches

If you are finding that multi-key selections are producing bad or unexpected results then it may be that Optikey is being too sensitive or not sensitive enough when registering your interest in the letters which make up your intended word. In other words Optikey may be including letters you did not mean to glance at, or missing letters you intentionally glance at.

First decide which you think is most likely; if you are given matches which include letters that you only glanced at accidentally then Optikey is probably being too sensitive. If, however, it is missing letters that you looked at intentionally then it is probably not being sensitive enough.

To decrease Optikey's sensitivity:

  1. With Optikey focussed press ALT + M to open the Management Console.

  2. Select the 'Pointing & Selecting' tab and scroll down to the "Multi-Key Selection" section.

  3. Change the setting 'Minimum dwell time on a key to include in capture (ms)' to a larger value. If the current value is 50ms, for example, then try 100ms (a 10th of a second), or even larger. This setting controls how long you need to direct your attention to each key (letter) in a multi-key selection before Optikey registers your interest in that letter. If you set the value to 500(ms) then you would need to hold your attention on each key (letter) in the multi-key selection for half a second before Optikey would consider you "interested" in that letter.

To increase Optikey's sensitivity:

  1. With Optikey focussed press ALT + M to open the Management Console.

  2. Select the 'Pointing & Selecting' tab and scroll down to the "Multi-Key Selection" section.

  3. Change the setting 'Minimum dwell time on a key to include in capture (ms)' to a smaller value. If the current value is 250ms, for example, then try 100ms (a 10th of a second), or even smaller. This setting controls how long you need to direct your attention to each key (letter) in a multi-key selection before Optikey registers your interest in that letter. If you set the value to 100(ms) then you would need to hold your attention on each key (letter) in the multi-key selection for a tenth of a second before Optikey would consider you "interested" in that letter.

Not sure whether the sensitivity should be decreased or increased? Send me an email at [email protected] with as much detail as possible about what you attempted to capture and what Optikey suggested. I'll work with you to figure out the problem and suggest how to tweak your settings to improve your experience.

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