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Planned Features

BrianAdams edited this page Jan 29, 2014 · 1 revision

##When will OpenROV do (X)?

We have no shortage of good ideas on where OpenROV Cockpit should go. Just a shortage of time. Acknowledging how hard it is to keep the entire community in sync with what is plan, we have created this plain old list to provide a directional view of what is being discussed.

##What makes it into OpenROV? If you're looking to figure out whether or not a feature will be implemented, the principles are:

Is it a feature that is fundamentally aligned with our mission? If yes, then it will probably be in OpenROV Cockpit. E.g , etc. Is it something that is only relevant to a small group, or for a short time? If yes, it probably belongs in a plug-in. E.g.

##The plain old list:

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