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Jianyun edited this page Feb 25, 2016 · 5 revisions

PackageManagementService class

public class PackageManagementService {
	public IEnumerable<string> ProviderNames{get;}
	public IEnumerable<PackageProvider> PackageProviders {get;}
	public IEnumerable<PackageProvider> SelectProviders(string providerName, IHostApi requestObject);
	public IEnumerable<PackageProvider> SelectProvidersWithFeature(string featureString);  

PowerShell Example

    # special case: make sure that nuget is bootstrapped automagically 

	$providers = $request.PackageManagementService.SelectProvidersWithFeature( "supports-powershell-modules");

	for-eachObject $providers  {
		packages = $_.FindPackages( ... );
		for-eachObject $providers  {
			Write-Out $_

Property: PackageNames


Returns a collection with the names of all the registered PackageProvider instances.

Return Value

An IEnumerable<string> with the names of all the registered PackageProvider instances.


Not expected to throw exceptions.

Property: PackageProviders


Returns a collection with the instances of all the registered PackageProviders.

see PackageProvider Instance

Return Value

An IEnumerable<PackageProvider> with all the registered PackageProvider instances.


Not expected to throw exceptions.

Method: SelectProvider


Returns a collection of PackageProvider instances that matches the given providerName and sources.

see PackageProvider Instance


IEnumerable<PackageProvider> SelectProvidersBySource(string providerName, IEnumerable<string> sources)

Return Value

Returns a collection of PackageProvider instances that matches the given providerName and sources.

If there are no matches found given the critetria, an empty collection is returned.


Not expected to throw an exception.

Method: SelectProvidersWithFeature


Returns a collection of PackageProvider instances that all report implementing a given feature.

see PackageProvider Instance


IEnumerable<PackageProvider> SelectProvidersByFeature(string feature)

Return Value

Returns a collection of PackageProvider instances that matches the given providerName and sources.

If there are no matches found given the critetria, an empty collection is returned.


Not expected to throw an exception.

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