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LittleMaelstrom edited this page Nov 11, 2022 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the ObsidianTTRPGShare Resource Wiki!

This wiki will be used to link to external projects and repositories that are recommended for Obsidian TTRPG users. It may also include external tools that are unrelated to Obsidian, but that can help out in niche situations.

There may be some overlap with content that is within the TTRPGShare, and what is listed on the Obsidian TTRPG Hub. Additionally, content can be listed within multiple categories.

For example, a layout file for the TTRPG Statblocks may be listed under the Plugins -> Bestiary and under Role Playing Games -> Pathfinder.

Where to start? (Work in Progress)

As this is a Master-List of resources, where you would start would mostly depend on where you began from. Are you a brand new user? Have you been working with Obsidian a while? Are you an advanced user but just getting into TTRPG? Consider these questions and compare them to the general guidelines in the table below.

Beginner Intermediate Advanced
Begin Here Guides Guides

Contributing to the Wiki

Anyone is allowed to edit this wiki and add their contributions. The TTRPGShare asks that you follow the conformation requirements listed below to make ongoing management easier. You are also encouraged to link to your own content here.

Wiki Editing Guidelines


Content can be added into multiple categories, but we do request it be limited to 2. If it can fit more than 2, consider adding it to a "All But the Cursed Gems" or its relevant equivalents.


Headers should be added in Alphabetical Order underneath a relevant wiki category, except when the header is meant to denote a piece of content that "does it all." See "All But the Cursed Texts".

Content should be added under their respectful headers in Alphabetical Order, sorted from A to Z.


For contrast to increase readability and increase mobile and tablet click ability, links should be bolded.


Content should roughly follow this format in the example below, and separated by a horizontal break. An image can be included below your submission name and above the horizontal break.

Name: Wordnik Definitions by Henry Gustafson

Summary: Wordnik Definitions allows Obsidian to retrieve definitions from (which maintains the largest dictionary of English words including slang words) and paste them into current or new notes.

Application: I found this useful in TTRPG writing because it allowed me to automate some of my librarian characters's responses, and make thesaurus searches more informal in speech.

Dependencies: Wordnik requires an API code to work. It is free if you wait for one to generate (took mine a few days), or you can donate $5 USD and receive one instantly. Wordnik is a registered 501 3(c) for U.S., players and nationals, so the donation is tax deductible if you itemize.

Submitted By: @Sigrunixia

The Finale

Check your spelling and other basic grammar. Thanks! <3

That's it. Fin. The end. Have at it!