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Backuping of the TOS servers

Backup server

On the backup server all you need is borg It is preferred to create an account on the server without any privileges. Allow ssh access from your to backup computer to the server eg:

pacman -S borg # the only dependency on the server (and ssh)

useradd backup
sudo mkdir /home/backup
sudo chown backup: /home/backup
sudo su backup

mkdir .ssh
touch authorized_keys # add your public key here

Backup client

Clone this repository in ~/.config/emborg Install emborg yay -S emborg python-llfuse it is in the AUR, alternatively use makepkg Or on other system using pip install emborg

NOTE: if you use pip install emborg don't forget to install the borg tool (as emborg depends on it)

Now update the permission of ~/.config/emborg/settings to 600 as it will contain sensitive data chmod 600 ~/.config/emborg/settings

Next edit the settings and change the following line:

passphrase = ''              # passphrase for encryption key,

To the passphrase of you repo

Next use one of the configurations found in ~/.config/emborg If it doesn't exist on the server use emborg -c <your_configuration> init Then to create an archive is as easy as emborg -c <your_configuration> create

systemd timer

If you want to run the backup periodically (using systemd timer) you can do so using the file Simply run the script (from the ~/.config/emborg directory) and it will create the required service files with the required configuration

Telegram notify

Run the bash ./ -t to setup the telegram notifier. It will ad a global script called notify-telegram That can be used to send information to telegram.


notify-telegram --title "Our title" --text "This is the telegram body"

Multiple drives

In the case of TOS, we have 2 drives, a network drive and a drive that is offline. The offline drive sync's from the network drive. The script provides this functionality. It simply syncs the different borg scripts. Open the script and edit these variables:

  • BACKUP_LOC Is the location to the network drive
  • PORTABLE_DRIVE_LOC This is the portable drive that is not connected over the network

Reverting a backup

You can either mount an archive to an existing directory, copy over the required files or restore a given directory

Restore a given directory

The requirement here is that the directory needs to exist and has the correct permissions (Otherwise the copying won't work properly)

emborg extract bin # extract the bin directory

emborg --archive 'tos-2021-03-13T11:54:36' bin # extract bin from a given archive (snapshot)

Mount an archive (as a local directory)

You need to have python-llfuse installed on your system for this to work. yay -S python-llfuse

emborg mount ~/archive # mount the last archive to the directory ~/archive

emborg --archive 'tos-2021-03-13T11:54:36' ~/archive # mount a given archive to the directory ~/archive

Extra information

When using the --archive option you need to supply a valid archive. To get a list of archives use the following option:

emborg list

You can also list the files/directories available in a given archive by the following command

emborg manifest
emborg --archive 'tos-2021-03-13T11:54:36' manifest

Reverting a backup on another compute

Firstly you will need to configure your ~/.config/emborg/settings file to use to correct data. Alter the following lines:

passphrase = '' # your passphrase here of the repository to backup
repository = 'backup:/home/backup/Sync/borg/tos-zeus-home' # change the last directory to match the name of the repository you want to revert

If you don't know the name of the backup you want to make you can execute the following command (substitute the ssh host to match your host)

ssh backup 'ls Sync/borg'

To verify that your backup reverting is going to work execute the following:

emborg list # if this returns a list of archives you can revert the backup

Now you can follow the details at Reverting a backup


Backup configurations for emborg/borg






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