- A Telegram bot developed using Python to get hourly updates on available vaccination slots.
- No more fastest-finger-first and refreshing the booking page for whole day.
- ✨Just automate using the power of Python and relax!✨
- Recieve regular notifications on Telegram and book your preferred vaccine ASAP.
Youtube LINK
The bot is already hosted on Heroku and running smoothly. Posts hourly updates on the telegram group regarding all the avaiable vaccination slots and their corresponding details. Telegram group - LINK
Since the bot is currently running on free dynos which has only a limited number of hours, it might stop running in the future. In such case you can install Cowin Vaccination Alerts bot locally by:
$ git clone https://github.com/Nikhil-Patro/CowinVaccinationAlerts.git
$ cd CowinVaccinationAlerts
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python script.py
Make sure to add these Tokens:-
- Personal bot's
- Group's
Now your personal bot is up and running locally on your computer !
Beginner friendly tech stack -
- Python (v3.9)
- Python packages like requests(2.25.1) and schedule(1.1.0)
Want to contribute? Great! Feel free to make PR's and add new functionalities 😊