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Command Queue: Refactor & Document
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This refactors command queue to be easier to understand and removes some
unnecessary functions.

Everything in there is now also documented (Work towards #5) and names
are changed to follow #4.
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NeunEinser committed Mar 4, 2021
1 parent d8a364e commit 784d20c
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Showing 25 changed files with 179 additions and 63 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#> bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/check_z_limit
# This function checks z limits and moves to the next z or y position, depending
# on the result
# @within function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/run

execute if score $command_queue/next_pos.mody bingo.tmp matches 0 if score $command_queue.z bingo.tmp matches 15 run function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/next_positive_y
execute if score $command_queue/next_pos.mody bingo.tmp matches 1 if score $command_queue.z bingo.tmp matches 0 run function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/next_positive_y
execute if score $command_queue/next_pos.mody bingo.tmp matches 0 unless score $command_queue.z bingo.tmp matches 15 run function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/next_positive_z
execute if score $command_queue/next_pos.mody bingo.tmp matches 1 unless score $command_queue.z bingo.tmp matches 0 run function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/next_negative_z
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#> bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/next_negative_x
# This function sets a command block facing west and moves to the negative x
# @within function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/run

setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:chain_command_block[facing=west]{auto: true}
scoreboard players remove $command_queue.x bingo.tmp 1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#> bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/next_negative_z
# This function sets a command block facing west and moves to the negative z
# @within function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/check_z_limit

setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:chain_command_block[facing=north]{auto: true}
scoreboard players remove $command_queue.z bingo.tmp 1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#> bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/next_positive_x
# This function sets a command block facing east and moves to the positive x
# @within function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/run

setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:chain_command_block[facing=east]{auto: true}
scoreboard players add $command_queue.x bingo.tmp 1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#> bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/next_positive_y
# This function sets a command block facing up and moves to the positive y
# @within function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/check_z_limit

setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:chain_command_block[facing=up]{auto: true}
scoreboard players add $command_queue.y bingo.tmp 1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#> bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/next_positive_z
# This function sets a command block facing south and moves to the positive z
# @within function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/check_z_limit

setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:chain_command_block[facing=south]{auto: true}
scoreboard players add $command_queue.z bingo.tmp 1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#> bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/run
# This function calculates the position for the next command block and stores it
# in $command_queue.x/y/z.
# The position of the marker aec is also changed in here.
# @within function bingo:command_queue/iter
# @writes
# score_holder $command_queue.x
# score_holder $command_queue.y
# score_holder $command_queue.z

# Contains the result of z % 2
# @within bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/**
#declare score_holder $command_queue/next_pos.modz
# Contains the result of y % 2
# @within bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/**
#declare score_holder $command_queue/next_pos.mody

scoreboard players operation $command_queue/next_pos.modz bingo.tmp = $command_queue.z bingo.tmp
scoreboard players operation $command_queue/next_pos.modz bingo.tmp %= 2 bingo.const
scoreboard players operation $command_queue/next_pos.mody bingo.tmp = $command_queue.y bingo.tmp
scoreboard players operation $command_queue/next_pos.mody bingo.tmp %= 2 bingo.const

# Check for hitting the limit on the x axis. If (z % 2) == (y % 2), we move towards positive x, otherwise towards negative x.
execute if score $command_queue/next_pos.modz bingo.tmp = $command_queue/next_pos.mody bingo.tmp if score $command_queue.x bingo.tmp matches 15 run function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/check_z_limit
execute unless score $command_queue/next_pos.modz bingo.tmp = $command_queue/next_pos.mody bingo.tmp if score $command_queue.x bingo.tmp matches 0 run function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/check_z_limit

execute if score $command_queue/next_pos.modz bingo.tmp = $command_queue/next_pos.mody bingo.tmp unless score $command_queue.x bingo.tmp matches 15 run function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/next_positive_x
execute unless score $command_queue/next_pos.modz bingo.tmp = $command_queue/next_pos.mody bingo.tmp unless score $command_queue.x bingo.tmp matches 0 run function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/next_negative_x

execute store result entity @s Pos[0] double 1 run scoreboard players get $command_queue.x bingo.tmp
execute store result entity @s Pos[1] double 1 run scoreboard players get $command_queue.y bingo.tmp
execute store result entity @s Pos[2] double 1 run scoreboard players get $command_queue.z bingo.tmp
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions data/bingo/functions/command_queue/init_for_new_tick.mcfunction
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#> bingo:command_queue/init_for_new_tick
# This function initializes some values and entities needed for a run.
# It will only be executed once per tick.
# The area effect cloud spawned can be used as an indicator whether this
# function was already run in the current tick.
# The area effect cloud can be identified by the tag "bingp.command".
# @within function bingo:command_queue/run

# This tag identifies the area effect cloud used to set the command blocks.
# @within function bingo:command_queue/**
#declare tag bingo.command

summon minecraft:area_effect_cloud 1 0 0 {Tags: ["bingo.command"]}
data merge block 0 0 0 {auto: true}
scoreboard players set $command_queue.x bingo.tmp 1
scoreboard players set $command_queue.y bingo.tmp 0
scoreboard players set $command_queue.z bingo.tmp 0
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions data/bingo/functions/command_queue/iter.mcfunction
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#> bingo:command_queue/iter
# One iteration of the command queue. Places one command and is executed again
# automatically until there are no more commands in the given command queue.
# @within
# function bingo:command_queue/iter
# function bingo:command_queue/run

# Score holder to store the size of the current command queue.
# @private
#declare score_holder $command_queue/iter.size

execute store result score $command_queue/iter.size bingo.tmp run data get storage temp:bingo.input/command_queue queue
execute if score $command_queue/iter.size bingo.tmp matches 2.. run function bingo:command_queue/claculate_next_position_and_set_command_block/run
execute if score $command_queue/iter.size bingo.tmp matches 1 run setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:chain_command_block[facing=down]{auto: true}

data modify block ~ ~ ~ Command set from storage temp:bingo.input/command_queue queue[0]
data remove storage temp:bingo.input/command_queue queue[0]

execute if score $command_queue/iter.size bingo.tmp matches 2.. at @s run function bingo:command_queue/iter
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions data/bingo/functions/command_queue/run.mcfunction
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#> bingo:command_queue/run
# This function runs the command queue.
# The command queue can execute a list of provided commands in the next tick.
# @internal
# @input storage temp:bingo.input/command_queue queue

# This storage is used as input by the command queue.
# It may only be read by related functions.
# It holds a list of commands to execute in the next tick. The field queue
# is used for that.
# @internal
#declare storage temp:bingo.input/command_queue

# This score holder holds the current x coordinate
# @within function bingo:command_queue/**
#declare score_holder $command_queue.x
# This score holder holds the current y coordinate
# @within function bingo:command_queue/**
#declare score_holder $command_queue.y
# This score holder holds the current z coordinate
# @within function bingo:command_queue/**
#declare score_holder $command_queue.z

execute at @e[type=minecraft:area_effect_cloud, tag=bingo.command, limit=1] run data modify storage temp:bingo.input/command_queue queue prepend from block ~ ~ ~ Command
execute unless entity @e[type=minecraft:area_effect_cloud, tag=bingo.command, limit=1] in bingo:lobby run function bingo:command_queue/init_for_new_tick
execute as @e[type=minecraft:area_effect_cloud, tag=bingo.command, limit=1] at @s run function bingo:command_queue/iter
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions data/bingo/functions/init/init.mcfunction
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,12 +122,6 @@ scoreboard objectives add bingo.tmp dummy
# @public
scoreboard objectives add bingo.const dummy

# This objective is used by run_command_from_string.
# @internal
scoreboard objectives add bingo.commands dummy

# This objective is used to spread certain longer text messages across multiple
# messages.
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions data/bingo/functions/item_detection/helper/announce.mcfunction
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ execute if score $items bingo.tmp matches 25 run tellraw @a {"translate": "bingo
execute store result storage bingo:tmp player int 1 run scoreboard players get @s
data modify storage bingo:card slots[{selected: true}].players append from storage bingo:tmp player

data modify storage bingo:commands queue append from storage bingo:card slots[{selected: true}].item.clearCommand[0]
data modify storage bingo:commands queue append value "function bingo:item_detection/helper/tag_players_for_item_clear"
data modify storage bingo:commands queue append from storage bingo:card slots[{selected: true}].item.clearCommand[1]
data modify storage bingo:commands queue append value "tag @a remove bingo.clear"
data modify storage bingo:commands queue append value "data modify storage bingo:card slots[{selected: true}].selected set value false"
data modify storage temp:bingo.input/command_queue queue append from storage bingo:card slots[{selected: true}].item.clearCommand[0]
data modify storage temp:bingo.input/command_queue queue append value "function bingo:item_detection/helper/tag_players_for_item_clear"
data modify storage temp:bingo.input/command_queue queue append from storage bingo:card slots[{selected: true}].item.clearCommand[1]
data modify storage temp:bingo.input/command_queue queue append value "tag @a remove bingo.clear"
data modify storage temp:bingo.input/command_queue queue append value "data modify storage bingo:card slots[{selected: true}].selected set value false"

function bingo:run_command_from_string/run
function bingo:command_queue/run

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9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions data/bingo/functions/run_command_from_string/iter.mcfunction

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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions data/bingo/functions/run_command_from_string/run.mcfunction

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