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Docker files for the Lemur certificate orchestration tool

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Lemur Docker

For full documentation on Lemur, please see the docs.

This repo utilizes docker compose to launch a cluster of containers to support development of the Lemur project. This is only meant for development and testing, not for production. See the Issues section for information regarding productionalizing these containers.

This project builds the current state of a checked out lemur repository subdirectory, meaning you may make changes and rebuild your container to pick them up. It also has the ability to dump and load another database, in case you want to
test with a copy of a real Lemur DB. Alternatively, it has the option to initialize an empty database.
Celery tasks will also run, if you choose to enable them.



Check out the current repo:

git clone [email protected]:Netflix/lemur-docker.git
cd lemur-docker


One magic command for all things that you need:


NOTE: all containers running in background by default NOTE: make automatically resolves access rights to the docker. If we haven't start containers with sudo.
NOTE: make commands tested on Linux and Mac. If you have any suggestion how it can be improved for Windows, feel free to make PR.

Starting with more control

Check out the lemur repo and make a local copy of the config files:

git clone --depth=1 lemur-build-docker/lemur
cp .lemur.env.dist .lemur.env
cp .pgsql.env.dist .pgsql.env

Start the containers:

docker-compose up


docker-compose stop

Try It Out

Launch web browser and connect to your docker container at https://localhost:447. The default credentials are lemur/admin.


This project launches four containers:

  1. nginx
  2. postgres
  3. redis
  4. lemur

Externally, only nginx exposes any ports. This container exposes TCP 87 and 447. We use standard ports to avoid conflicts.

The lemur container is built on a local copy of the Lemur code. It runs two processes via supervisord:

  • lemur
  • lemur-celery

The file entrypoint is used to perform setup and initialization both for postgres and lemur within the lemur container.

Note that then lemur subdirectory is git ignored, so you may make changes to the lemur repository without causing any changes to show up in lemur-docker.


Lemur configuration Lemur configuration can happen in two places:

  • .lemur.env can be used for a few basic configuration overrides
  • must be used for any configuration that requires Python execution, and any options not available in .lemur.env

Note that by default, the Celery process is running, but all Celery tasks are disabled. If you wish to enable a Celery task, it should be done in is mounted on the container, so all you need to do to update these settings is to make the desired changes and restart the containers:

docker-compose stop
docker-compose start

Your changes should now be reflected in Lemur.

Database configuration Database configuration is located in:

  • .pgsql.env

This Docker configuration includes three ways to run the database, controlled via the option POSTGRES_DB_MODE in .pgsql.env:

  • init will create a brand new Lemur database, initialized with base data
  • load-frum-dump will use specified DB info to dump another database and load it into the container database (see .pgsql.env for config options)
  • blank/not set will reuse whatever data already exists in the volume lemur-docker_pg_data

Note that the init and load-from-dump options will drop whatever data is already in the volume. Aside from those, explicitly deleting the Docker volume will also delete all data. Otherwise, the volume is persistent and should contain persistent data across multiple runs of the Docker container.


Default credentials on the web UI

The username for the Lemur web UI is lemur and the default password is admin (unless overridden by environment variable LEMUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD). You may create new users and disable this service account after the apps has been launched.

Default Config

This comes with a default Things like encryption keys and tokens have been randomized in these configs, and should instead be generated and persisted securely for anything other than experimentation.

Default credentials on the postgres database

The username for the postgres database is lemur and the default password is 12345 (located in .pgsql.env).

Untrusted web certificate

The certificate used by nginx to serve Lemur in the container is self-signed and untrusted. You would need to use a trusted certificate if you were to run this for anything other than experimentation.

Alternatively, for local development, mkcert can be used to generate a locally-trusted development certificate and key. For nginx to use these files they must be mounted into the nginx container to /etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt and /etc/nginx/ssl/server-key.crt respectively.


  1. Generate a locally-trusted certificate and key for localhost

    mkcert localhost
  2. Modify the nginx service in docker-compose.yml to mount the generated certificate and key

    --- a/docker-compose.yml
    +++ b/docker-compose.yml
    @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ services:
           - appnet
           - app_data:/opt/lemur/lemur/static/dist:ro
    +      - ./localhost.pem:/etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt:ro
    +      - ./localhost-key.pem:/etc/nginx/ssl/server.key:ro
         restart: on-failure
           - lemur
  3. Restart the containers

    make restart_containers


Docker files for the Lemur certificate orchestration tool







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