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Personal web profile - Ndagi, Stanley M

  • Built using VuePress
  • Hosted on Netlify

Pull submodules

src/.vuepress/public is a submodule which is a private GitHub repository.

Run this command to pull the repo after cloning:

git submodule update --recursive --remote

Also, run the same command to get the most recent changes and commit before pushing


Use node version: ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.0 || >=15.0.0

  • Install dependencies:

  • Run locally:

    yarn dev
  • Build:

    yarn build
    hs src/.vuepress/dist

*hs - http-server (npm package)

Editing guide

  • Vuepress' frontmatter
    • permalink
    • permalinkPattern
    • externalIcon
  • Theme's frontmatter
    • footerHtml (HomePage)
  • Theme's Config
    • editLink (& editLinkText)
    • lastUpdated (& lastUpdatedText)
    • contributors (& contributorsText)
    • tip, warning, danger
    • notFound
    • backToHome
  • h2 has a br below it. h1, h3, h4, h5, h6 do not. (Contrary to GitHub flavoured markdown)
  • Plugin API
    • extendsPageOptions
  • footerHtml
  • Emoji cheatsheet