Display a full-size drag-n-drop event calendar, leveraging jQuery . http://fullcalendar.io A JavaScript event calendar. Customizable and open source.
This is FullCalendar version 3.0.1 with Jalaali support.
If you want to enable Jalaali do as follow:
- Import moment-jalaali.js exactly after moment.js. You can find it in "lib/moment/moment-jalaali.js".
- Import lang/fa.js or dist/lang/lang-all.js after fullcalendar.js or fullcalendar.min.js.
- Put isJalaali : true in config.
- Put isRTL : true in config.
- Put lang : "fa" in config.
Email me if you find any issue or if you want to help me.
This project is update of project Mr. Ehsan Danesh . He has worked on the project, on version 2.6 you can find his github in this link : https://github.com/ehsandanesh