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A collection of projects related to music: queue management, playlist migration, listening snapshots, and more. Everything designed for personal use, so a tad rough around the edges :)



The actively maintained projects in this repo are those that interface with Spotify and, which I often update with new features:

  • Enqueue: Add tracks (or groups of tracks) to Spotify queue
  • Lastly: Create playlists from data
  • Lyrics: Pull lyrics for currently playing tracks/albums


Everything in this repository was built to serve my personal needs, presently interfacing with Spotify and (see archived/ for unmaintained utilities). Both platforms require various API keys to be added to credentials/, as detailed below. Python dependencies can be installable from requirements.txt (i.e. pip install -r requirements.txt). Note that this project's dependency management uses with pip-compile to generate transient depencies in requirements.txt (though this should not impact users).

Spotify API

Before using Spotify-dependent tools (e.g. Enqueue, Turntable, Migrator), a token must be generated. Add a spotify.json file to credentials, and populate with client_id, client_secret, and redirect_uri corresponding with a created Spotify app.

Authorization flow is a little jank, but you should only need to deal with it once. When trying to make a request without authentication, the provided redirect_uri will be used. From personal testing, a localhost redirect works even without spinning up the local server, as the relevant authentication information is passed as URL parameters which can be copied over (and no response actually needs to come from the server).

Regardless, if this is for some reason no longer the case, you can spin up a local server by running (which will, by default, host a local server on port 6813), and set your Spotify app's redirect URI accordingly (e.g. localhost:6813). Follow the instructions given when trying to run a Spotify-dependent service for the first time, and you should be good to go. As is, the server requires certificate files (such that https requests work), so if need be create a certificates/ folder and run the provided command to generate certificates :) API is fairly straightforward; add your api_key and api_secret under credentials/lastfm.json, and you should be good to go.


If interfacing with, a LASTFM_USER must be set in your preferences file. Further, for my Spotify usage, I maintain a primary playlist, Muzack, and a backlog playlist for albums I plan to listen to, Zacklog. These are used by enqueue in the form of the --save flag (to save the current track to primary playlist), and the --source flag (which takes LIBRARY or BACKLOG as arguments). To use these features, add their playlist IDs (extractable from a URI of the form spotify:playlist:id) to the preferences file.

Rest of the Owl

Many projects have fallen by the wayside in the time that this repo has housed musical miscellany. I've long since migrated away from iTunes, meaning projects dealing with local files haven't been tested in a several years.

Tools reliant upon iTunes Library.xml won't be able to work with (which deprecated the XML interface), nor likely work with the reader/TuneSwiftly provided to query tracks in a users iTunes library via the Swift API. Further, scripts with web scraping components (e.g. Lyrical, which interfaces with Genius) were fragile to begin with, and have almost certainly been broken by site redesigns.

Unmaintained projects housed under the TuningFork are housed under archived/, and almost certainly not work out-the-box due to breaking changes (i.e. directory restructuring) to local modules they may have depended on:

  • Turntable: Create and manage custom track start/stop point and queue rules for Spotify
  • Plogger: Local song listening tracker (supplanted personally by
    • Logger + Plotter: Monitor and visualize changes to iTunes Library.xml
    • Spotterfy: Monitor Spotify track changes
  • Playpen: Utilities for iTunes playlist/track management
    • Migrator: Spotify playlist creator from iTunes or tracks by name/artist
    • Profane: Tool to check if track lyrics contain profanity and build classroom-friendly playlists
    • Cleanser: CLI tool to remove unwanted ID3 tags from MP3 files
  • Lyricbot: Create Twitter bots which post lyrics (using Genius, GDocs, or GSheets as a source)