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Repository files navigation v.03

This is the third iteration of my portfolio. Using react-dom-router, I have created a site that runs smoothly with greater response time compared to my other portfolios.

What I learnt

  • I have never used Tailwind CSS before but it has made styling much easier and quicker with simple implementation and ease of use.
  • Using Framer motion hooks was a big help as it gave me an opportunity to choose how I want my animation, without coding much and being simple to understand.
  • Catering towards accessibility more than other projects and want my portfolio to be easier to use for all users.

Improvements for future features

  • Burger menu icon on smaller devices doesn’t read and when clicked sometimes goes to homepage instead of menu.



  • In this project directory you will need node and npm installed globally on your system.
  1. To install npm and node then in terminal run npm install
  2. To run test suite npm test
  3. To start the server npm start
  4. Once server is started view the app in http://localhost:3000/