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Topology optimization in python, based on FEniCS and UFL ecosystem.


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pytop is an extended FEniCS for general-purpose optimization in finite element space, including topology optimization. This software provides straightforward coding for complex optimization problems. This software uses the FEniCS as a finite element solver and NLopt as an optimization solver.

This software is the independent module of fenics and nlopt project.

This software is based on Lagacy FEniCS (FEniCS2019.1.0). The new version, FEniCSx, is not supported.


Documentation with many physics is available here: Documentation

API Reference: API reference


Topology optimization is a common method for designing physic-objective-oriented structures. pytop enables straightforward Pythonic coding for high-performance topology optimization. This software works with any general objective, physics, and (inequality) constraints, with automatic derivative.


We provide a container for this repository. The container includes python 3.11, FEniCS bundles, and NLOpt with python interface. The container is avaiable in dockerhub. To try out this repository, connect to the codespace with the following:

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Import pytop

First, you need to import pytop by standard Python style:

import pytop as pt

In the header of pytop, all methods and classes of FEniCS will be imported if FEniCS was collectively installed. So, all methods in FEniCS can be called directly like:

U = pt.FunctionSoace(mesh, "CG", 1)
u = pt.Function(U)

Please refer to the FEniCS document to use fundamental functions in FEniCS.


Second, you need to generate (or import) mesh. This software provides easy method to import external mesh, import_external_mesh. This method use meshio in the backgroud, so any mesh type that supported by meshio is supported.

mesh = pt.import_external_mesh(path_to_the_meshfile)

Of course, you can generate mesh by built-in mesh generator in FEniCS like as:

NUMBER_OF_NODES = (100, 100)
POSITION = (100, 100)
mesh = pt.RectangleMesh(pt Point(0, 0), pt.Point(*POSITION), *NUMBER_OF_NODES)

Moreover, we provide simple interface of pygmsh. pygmsh can generate more flexible geometry, whether 2D or 3D.

import pytop as pt
import pygmsh

mesh = pt.from_pygmsh(pyg_mesh)

Function space and Function

This is standard procedure in the FEniCS. You first need to define FunctionSpace and then Function (If need, TrialFunction and TestFunction).

U = pt.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1) #1st order continuous Galerkin vector space
uh = pf.Function(U, name='displacement)
u = pt.TrialFunction(U)
du = pt.TestFunction(U)

Boundary Condition

This is also standard procedure in the FEniCS. To define sub-domain of mesh, pt.SubDomain class is useful.

class Left(pt.SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return x[0] < 1e-6 and on_boundary

bc = pt.DirichletBC(U, pt.Constant((0, 0)), Left())

This restricts the left side boundary (x[0] < 1e-6) zero displacement. To apply Noiman boundary condition, you can use useful method make_noiman_boundary_domains.

class Loading(pt.SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        reurn x[0] > 200-1e-6 and 45.0 < x[1] < 55.0 and on_boundary
ds = pt.make_noiman_boundary_domains(mesh, [Loading()], True)

This function returns Measure class, ds.

Design variable

You need to define design variable before optimization. The DesignVariables class can store multiple design variables with their function space, name, initial value, range, pre/post process, recording path, and recording parameter.

X = pt.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
design_variables = pt.DesignVariables()
                          [initial value],
                          lambda x: some pre process,
                          lambda x: some post process,

Problem definition

The problem statement can be constructed with ProblemStatement.

# pytop.physics module includes useful utilities to define physics.
from pytop.physics import elasticity as el

class Elasticity_Problem(pt.ProblemStatement):
  # objective is abstruct method that must be defined.
 # In this, you need to define physics problem and return evaluation value.
    def objective(self, design_variables): 
        self.rho = design_variables["density"] # You need to access design variables through design_variables.
        a = el.linear_2D_elasticity_bilinear_form(u, du, E, nu, penalized_weight(self.rho, eps=1e-4)) # Bilinear form for 2D elastic problem
        L = pt.inner(f, du) * ds(1)  # ds(1) means first subdomain that defined by make_noiman_boundary_domains method.
        pt.solve(a == L, uh, bc)
        return pt.assemble(pt.inner(f, uh) * ds(1))
    # methods that start with "constraint_" is inequality constraint (x<=0).
    def constraint_volume(self, design_variables):
        unitary = pt.project(pt.Constant(1), X)
        return pt.assemble(self.rho*pt.dx)/pt.assemble(unitary*pt.dx) - TARGET_DENSITY


NloptOptimizer will construct NLopt opt class with DesignVariables and ProblemStatement.

opt = pt.NloptOptimizer(design_variables, Problem(), "LD_MMA")
# LD_MMA means Method of moving asymptotes.

Then you set parameter of optimizer by nlopt optimizer class methods. Please refer avaiable method in NLopt. For example, here we set to maximum iteration number is 300, and relative tolerance is 1e-4:


Then optimization will start by calling run method.


MPI parallelization

This software is designed as parallelization-ready. Problem is automatically divided into partial problems and computed in each cpus. We provide useful detaclass for MPI, MPI_Communicator. You can construct a mpi group use this class,

import pytop as pt
comm_group = pt.MPI_Communicator.comm_world

Single problem must be in the same group. Then,mpirun executes the solving with cpus you mentioned:

mpirun -n 36 python

In the container, you need to give option to allow run as a root user:

mpirun -n 36 --allow-run-as-root python

Above example use 36 cpus.

Working with pygmsh

You can use pygmsh as mesh generator. Documentation of pygmsh is available here.

import pytop as pt
import pygmsh

with pygmsh.geo.Geometry() as geom:
    lcar = 0.1
    p1 = geom.add_point([0.0, 0.0], lcar)
    p2 = geom.add_point([1.0, 0.0], lcar)
    p3 = geom.add_point([1.0, 0.5], lcar)
    p4 = geom.add_point([1.0, 1.0], lcar)
    s1 = geom.add_bspline([p1, p2, p3, p4])

    p2 = geom.add_point([0.0, 1.0], lcar)
    p3 = geom.add_point([0.5, 1.0], lcar)
    s2 = geom.add_spline([p4, p3, p2, p1])

    ll = geom.add_curve_loop([s1, s2])
    pl = geom.add_plane_surface(ll)

    mesh = geom.generate_mesh()

mesh = pt.from_pygmsh(mesh)

Use planation option is used, all z coordinates will be neglected.

mesh = pt.from_pygmsh(mesh, planation=True)


Generate API documentation


Above command generates API document using pdoc3.


Topology optimization in python, based on FEniCS and UFL ecosystem.







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