R to restart
P or Space to pause
bundle install
bundle exec ruby main.rb
For Linux you might need to read the Ruby2d installation notes.
- projetion of the piece on the bottom
- SRS canonical rotation
- SRS wall kicks
- scoreboard stored at
- ability to fall down only partially
- ability to hold UP (just for fun)
- Mutex stdlib class
- autoresize to screen?
- option to restart
- cheats for testing purposes
- canonical increase of speed
- holding LEFT and RIGHT
- canonical scoring
- see next piece
- pause key
- window size configuration?
- canonical music
- restore controller support?
- color scheme configuration
- boss key
- compile and publish?
By default ruby2d looks for a font only in one system directory -- this is why ruby2d dependency here was forked and patched a bit to support sourcing from the working directory (and $HOME/Library/Fonts
It can't be compiled to binary right now because of using a Mutex class that is not in MRuby.
It's hard to continue fitting it into 200 lines but I want to add more features -- maybe I'll make a "300-LOC" branch there is now 250-loc branch that has the "next piece" displayed.
Cool font is Press Start 2P from Google Fonts.