An online debate platform which alllows visualization of debates in the form of directed graph and automatically labels arguments as Winning/Losing/Undecided in a given state of the debate
The project was inspired by the following academic journals:
- Implements Grounded Extension Algorithm to label arguments according to their current position (Winning/Losing/Undecidable)
- Visualizes debates in the form of an interactive directed graph
- Nodes represent individual arguments in the debate
- Edges in the graph reflect their attack relation (Which argument is challenging which)
- Nodes are highlighted according to their labelling by the algorithm (Winning: Green, Losing: Red, Undecidable: Grey)
- Hover over nodes to view the argument
- Hover over edges to view the argument structure used
- A range of Argumentation Schemes to choose from to allow people engaging in debates to make their arguments more clear and concise.
• Activate virtual environment
• Run the following command:
> python runserver
• This will start the web-server. A URL will be displayed in the command prompt. Copy the URL into a browser to access the website.
If website runs into issues, reinstall the dependencies after activating virtual environment, by executing the following command:
> pip install -r requirements.txt