The purpose of this minecraft mod is to allow non-developers to easily add things to their game. The mod implements child classes of common things in minecraft which are intended to be easier to interact with for non-developers. Since every EasyAdd class is a child of the regular minecraft class, more proficient developers can still add whatever they'd like beyond the simple functionality provided by EasyAdd,
- JDK 8 installed (not just JRE)
First clone the repo:
git clone
cd EasyAdd/
Next run the gradlew Decompose script
./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
Lastly, to compile into a jar that can be put in your mods folder, run the gradlew build script like so:
./gradlew build
The resulting jar file be placed in the folder 'build/libs/'
Adding items consists of three steps: Registering the item, adding the texture, and updating the lang file. After that, simply recompile the mod and enjoy!
Navigate to the initialize() method of the EasyAddCustom class file and initialize EasyAdd classes repeatedly as shown in the examples.
Add a 16x16 png with the same name as the item to src/main/resources/assets/easyadd/textures/items/ folder
Navigate to the src/main/resources/assets/easyadd/lang/en_US.lang file and mimic the given examples under the 'Items' section for every item you'd like to add