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@MrKepzie MrKepzie released this 07 Nov 19:43

Change-log RC3:

  • The internal renderer now estimates the amount of RAM needed by a compositing tree to render out a single frame and will thus limit the number of parallel renders so that all parallel renders can fit in RAM if possible. Before this change the renderer would only take into account CPU load which would seriously slow down computers without enough RAM to support all the CPU power available.

  • Focus has been re-worked through all the interface so the focus switches correctly
    among the widgets when pressing Tab. Drop-downs can now get the focus so the user can
    scroll the items by pressing the up/down arrows.
    Checkbox can now also have focus and you can check/uncheck them by pressing the space bar.
    Left toolbar buttons also get the focus and you can expand them by pressing the right

  • Added possibility to move the timeline from anywhere in the interface, assuming the widget your
    mouse is currently hovering doesn't interpret those key-binds for another functionality.

  • Focus is now indicated by a orange border around the widget that currently owns it.

  • The node-graph navigator has been speeded-up, there was a bug where everything was rendered

  • A new button in the settings panel of a node can now hide all parameters that do not have any modification.

  • It is now possible to close a settings panel by pressing the Escape key when hovering it

  • When double-clicking a backdrop node and holding down the control key, this will clear all settings panel currently opened in the properties bin, and open the panels of all the nodes within the backdrop.

  • It is now possible to zoom the range of a slider around the current position by holding certain
    modifiers: Hold CTRL to zoom-in x10, hold CTRL + SHIFT to zoom-in x100
    This can help adjusting precisely a parameter value

  • It is now possible to extract one or more nodes from the graph by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + X
    or via the right click menu. This will keep the connections between all extracted nodes
    but remove them from the surrounding tree and shift them by 200 pixels on the right.

  • It is now possible to merge 2 nodes (with a MergeOFX node) by holding CTRL + SHIFT and moving a node
    close to another one. The bounding box of both nodes should be green, indicating that a
    merge is possible.

  • A new Info tab on each node now contains informations about the format of images coming
    from each input and out-going from the node. This can help understand what data
    is really processed under the hood.

  • New shortcut to set the zoom level of the viewer to 100% (CTRL + 1)

  • New shortcut to toggle preview images for selected nodes: ALT + P

  • Added the possibility to edit node names in the node graph by pressing the key N

  • The backdrop node now has its name in the header affected by the font family and color.
    However the size of the name is controlled by a different parameter so the name and the content
    can have different font sizes.

  • Roto: when selecting points with the selection rectangle, only points that belong to selected curves will be eligible for selection, unless no curve is selected, in which case all the points are eligible.

  • Roto : when selecting points with the selection rectangle, if the SHIFT modifier is held down, it will not clear the previous selection. Also when holding down SHIFT, clicking on a selected point will remove it from the selection. Similarly, if selecting points with the selection rectangle but while holding down both SHIFT and CTRL will now allow to keep the previous selection but remove from the selection the newly selected points.

  • Roto : the beziers animation can now be controlled in the curve editor, as well as the per-shape parameters.

  • The ColorCorrect and Grade nodes can now choose on which channels to operate on, including the alpha channel

  • The viewer info bar font has been changed to the same font of the rest of the application
    and a line of 1 pixel now separates the Viewer from the informations.

  • The viewer refresh button will now be red when it is actively rendering (not using the

  • The turbo-mode button is now next to the FPS box of the viewer’s player bar instead of being on top of the properties bin.

  • The paste/duplicate/clone nodes operations now position new nodes under the mouse cursor.

  • The D (for disabling nodes) and CTRL+F (for finding nodes) shortcuts are now available across the UI. The same thing was applied for timeline interaction (such as seek next/previous/start/end,etc…) wherever it was possible.

  • New Blender OpenColorIO-Config which is now the default one instead of nuke-default.
    Warning dialogs will show up if the current configuration is not the default one.

    • New OCIOLook node to apply a look to the image. This node uses the 67 looks
      provided by the Blender OpenColorIO config.
    • New luma Keyer node
    • New ramp node
    • New BlurGuided node using the CImg library. This is a faster bilateral blur
    • New AdjustRoD node to enlarge/shrink the region of definition (bounding box) of an image
    • A new button on the Transform node allows to recenter the handle to the center of the
      input image.
    • The project can now be versioned by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + S (or by the
      File menu). This will save the project and increment its version, e.g:
    • The Tab dialog to create quickly a node now remembers the name of the last node that
      was created
    • A BlurCImg node can now be created using the B key
    • The right click menu of parameters now proposes 2 options for keyframes operations such
      as set key, remove key or remove animation.
      It can operate on either 1 dimension at a time or all dimensions at the same time.

    Bug fixes:

  • The tracker node now once again works on Windows.

    • Fixed a bug where color dialogs wouldn't refresh the color until the OK button was pressed
    • Fixed a bug where the bounding box of the image wasn't correct when using motion blur
      of the Transform node.
    • Fixed a bug where the bounding box of roto beziers wouldn't take the feather distance into
    • Fixed a bug where changing the number of panels in the property bin wouldn't have any effect
    • Fixed a bug where CImg channels parameter wouldn't be saved into the project
  • The ColorLookUp node’s curve editor now properly gets keyboard focus