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FilmsApp is Flutter responsive Website as a ShowCase: Flutter

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Flutter Films App

A single-page application built with Flutter that showcases films in a visually appealing manner using cards. Users can search for films within the app. The project follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern and aims to demonstrate clean code practices.


The Flutter Films App is a project that I initially created some time ago. It was born out of my passion for films and my desire to create a visually engaging application for film enthusiasts. The app allowed users to browse through a collection of films presented in beautiful cards and provided a search functionality to easily find specific films.

Code Refactoring

Recently, I decided to revisit the project with the intention of making it public and sharing it with the developer community on platforms like GitHub and LinkedIn. To ensure that the codebase adhered to best practices and was easily understandable by other developers, I embarked on a refactoring journey.

During the refactoring process, I focused on improving the code structure and organization. I decided to adopt the MVC pattern to separate concerns and enhance the maintainability of the code. By implementing the MVC pattern, I aimed to provide a clear separation between the data model, the business logic, and the user interface components.

The refactoring process involved restructuring the code into different directories and modules to enhance modularity and reusability. I created separate folders for controllers, models, repositories, services, utilities, and views, each serving a specific purpose within the app's architecture. This approach allowed for better organization and easier navigation of the codebase.

Furthermore, I reviewed the existing code and made improvements to ensure consistency, readability, and adherence to coding conventions. I paid particular attention to removing any redundant or duplicated code and introduced reusable components where applicable. Additionally, I optimized the code for performance and improved error handling and exception management.

By refactoring the code, I aimed to create a cleaner, more maintainable codebase that would be valuable to the developer community. I wanted to provide an example of how to structure a Flutter app following best practices, making it easier for other developers to understand and contribute to the project.


Screencast from 21-05-23 23 49 07 Screenshot from 2023-05-21 23-48-18 Screenshot from 2023-05-21 23-48-00 Screenshot from 2023-05-21 23-47-28 Screenshot from 2023-05-21 23-24-56


- Displays films in visually appealing cards.
- Allows users to search for films.
- Follows the MVC pattern for clean code organization.


To run the Flutter Films App locally, follow these steps:

- Make sure you have Flutter and Dart installed on your system.
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Open the project in your preferred IDE (e.g., Visual Studio Code).
- Run flutter pub get to fetch the required dependencies.
- Connect a physical device or start an emulator.
- Run flutter run to launch the app.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to add new features, please submit an issue or a pull request.

Thank you for checking out the Flutter Films App! I hope you find the codebase informative and useful for your own projects. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to reach out. Happy coding!


FilmsApp is Flutter responsive Website as a ShowCase: Flutter







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