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k0rdent Demo Repo

What this is for

The intention of this k0rdent Demo repo is to have a place for demos and examples on how to leverage the Mirantis k0rdent Project.

It includes scripts and implementation examples for basic and advanced usage for k0rdent.

All demos in here provide their own complete ClusterTemplates and ServiceTemplates and do not use the included k0rdent templates at all. This is done on one side to not be depending on k0rdent included templates and on the other side shows how custom and BYO (bring your own) templates can be used. Learn more about BYO Templates in the k0rdent documentation.

Table of Contents

  1. Setup
    1. Prerequisites
    2. General setup
    3. Infrastructure setup
      1. AWS setup
      2. Azure setup
  2. Demo 1: Standalone Cluster Deployment
  3. Demo 2: Single Standalone Cluster Upgrade
  4. Demo 3: Install ServiceTemplate into single cluster
  5. Demo 4: Install ServiceTemplate into multiple clusters
  6. Demo 5: Approve ClusterTemplate & InfraCredentials for separate Namespace
  7. Demo 6: Use approved ClusterTemplate in separate Namespace
  8. Demo 7: Test new ClusterTemplate as k0rdent Admin, then approve them in separate Namespace
  9. Demo 8: Use newly approved ClusterTemplate in separate Namespace
  10. Demo 9: Approve ServiceTemplate in separate Namespace
  11. Demo 10: Use ServiceTemplate in separate Namespace
  12. Cleaning up



Tools needed to run this demo are

  • Docker
  • Git
  • make

If you're unsure about whether your system is supported and whether all tools are installed correctly, we provide a script that helps you answer this questions. Follow these steps to download and run the script to check your setup.

  1. Ensure you have a Bash-compatible shell (Linux, macOS).

  2. Download the Script: You can download the script directly here or via curl. For example, to download the script using curl, run the following command in your terminal:

    curl -o
  3. Make it executable

    chmod +x
  4. Run the script


The Setup part for Demos is assumed to be created once before an actual demo is given.

To get the full list of commands run make help.

General Setup

Expected completion time ~10 min

  1. Create a k0rdent Management cluster with kind:

    make bootstrap-kind-cluster

    You could give it another name by specifying the KIND_CLUSTER_NAME environment variable.

    For detailed explanation, please refer to the documentation.

  2. Install k0rdent into kind cluster:

    make deploy-k0rdent

    The Demos in this repo require at least k0rdent v0.0.6 or newer. You can change the version by specifying the KCM_VERSION environment variable. List of releases can be found here.

  3. Monitor the installation of k0rdent:

    make watch-k0rdent-deployment

    In this command we track the Management object that is created by k0rdent. Don't worry if you get message that the object is not found, it can take some time. Wait until the output of the command be as follows to make sure that k0rdent project is fully installed:

    capi: true
    cluster-api-provider-aws: true
    cluster-api-provider-azure: true
    cluster-api-provider-vsphere: true
    hmc: true
    k0smotron: true
    projectsveltos: true

    For detailed explanation, please refer to the documentation.

  4. Install the Demo Helm Repo into k0rdent:

    make apply-helmrepo

    This step deploys simple local OCI Helm registry and adds a HelmRepository resource to the cluster that contains Helm charts for this demo.

    For detailed explanation, please refer to the documentation.

  5. Push Helm charts with custom Cluster and Service Templates

    make push-helm-charts
  6. Important! If you are going to run demos in corporate or shared cloud accounts, and it is possible that someone else is running the same demos, you may end up in a situation where cloud resources with the same name already exist and you will get errors when deploying clusters. To avoid this, you can set an environment variable with your username. It can be any value though but it's required to be unique:

    export USERNAME=<your_username>

Infra Setup

As next you need to decide into which infrastructure you would like to install the Demo clusters. This Demo Repo has support for the following Infra Providers (more to follow in the future):

  • AWS
  • Azure

AWS Setup

Expected completion time ~2 min

This assumes that you already have configured the required AWS IAM Roles and have an AWS account with the required permissions. If not follow the k0rdent documentation steps for them.

  1. Export AWS Keys as environment variables:

    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="AWS Access Key ID"
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="AWS Secret Access Key"
  2. By default, it will provision all resources in the us-west-2 AWS region. If you want to change this, export AWS_REGION environment variable:

    export AWS_REGION="us-east-1"
  3. Install Credentials into k0rdent:

    make apply-aws-creds
  4. Check that credentials are ready to use

    make get-creds-aws

    The output should be similar to:

    NAME                        READY   DESCRIPTION
    aws-cluster-identity-cred   true    Basic AWS credentials

Azure Setup

Currently demos don't have Azure cluster deployments, so you can skip this section

Expected completion time ~2 min

This assumes that you already have configured the required Azure providers and created a Azure Service Principal.

  1. Export Azure Service Principal keys as environment variables:

    export AZURE_SP_PASSWORD=<Service Principal password>
    export AZURE_SP_APP_ID=<Service Principal App ID>
    export AZURE_SP_TENANT_ID=<Service Principal Tenant ID>
    export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<Azure's subscription ID>
  2. Install Credentials into k0rdent:

    make apply-azure-creds
  3. Check that credentials are ready to use

    make get-creds-azure

    The output should be similar to:

    NAME                          READY   DESCRIPTION
    azure-cluster-identity-cred   true    Azure credentials

Demo Cluster Setup

Skip this step if you just want to run demos for your own

If your plan is to demo an upgrade (Demo 2) or anything related to ServiceTemplates (Demo 3 & 4) right after Demo 1, it is recommended to create a test cluster before the actual demo starts. The reason for this is that creation of a cluster takes around 10-15 mins and could cause a long waiting time during the demo. If you already have a second cluster you can show the creation of a cluster (Demo 1) and then use the existing cluster to show the other demos.

  1. Install templates and create aws-test1 cluster
    make apply-clustertemplate-demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1
    make apply-cluster-deployment-aws-test1-0.0.1
    make watch-aws-test1
  2. Wait when the cluster deployment be in Ready state:
    NAME                   READY   STATUS
    k0rdent-aws-test1      True    ClusterDeployment is ready

Blue Namespace & Platform Engineer Credentials

Expected completion time ~2 min

If you plan to run the Demo 5 or above we need a secondary namespace (we call it blue in this demo) and credentials for a Platform Engineer that does only have access to the blue namespace and not cluster admin.

  1. Create target namespace blue and required rolebindings

    make create-target-namespace-rolebindings
  2. Generate Kubeconfig for platform engineer

    make generate-platform-engineer1-kubeconfig
  3. Test Kubeconfig

    KUBECONFIG="certs/platform-engineer1/kubeconfig.yaml" PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl get ns blue

Demo 1: Standalone Cluster Deployment

Expected completion time ~10-15 min

This demo shows how a simple standalone cluster from a custom ClusterTemplate can be created in the k0rdent namespace. It does not require any additional users in k8s or namespaces to be installed.

In the real world this would most probably be done by a Platform Team Lead that has admin access to the Management Cluster in order to create a test cluster from a new ClusterTemplate without the expectation for this cluster to exist for a long time.

  1. Install ClusterTemplate in k0rdent

    make apply-clustertemplate-demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1

    This will install the custom ClusterTemplate and ClusterTemplateChain demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1. ClusterTemplate refers to the Helm chart demo-aws-standalone-cp of version 0.0.1 which was published to the local Helm repository on the Infra Setup steps.

    You can find this new ClusterTemplate in the list of template with the command:

    PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl -n k0rdent get clustertemplates

    Example of the output:

    NAME                           VALID
    demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1   true

    Hint: To make an even simpler Demo, this step could be done before the actual demo starts.

    As assumed by k0rdent all ClusterTemplates will be installed first into the k0rdent Namespace and can there be used directly to create a new cluster deployments.

  2. Install Test Clusters:

    make apply-cluster-deployment-aws-test1-0.0.1
    make apply-cluster-deployment-aws-test2-0.0.1

    This will create 2 objects of type ClusterDeployment with very simple defaults from the ClusterTemplate demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1. The yaml for this can be found under clusterDeployments/aws/0.0.1.yaml and could be modified if needed. The Make command also shows the actual yaml that is created for an easier demo experience.

  3. Monitor the deployment of each cluster and wait when both be in Ready state: For the first cluster:

    make watch-aws-test1

    Example of the output of fully deployed first cluster:

    NAME                READY   STATUS
    k0rdent-aws-test1   True    ClusterDeployment is ready

    For the seocnd cluster:

    make watch-aws-test2

    Example of the output of fully deployed second cluster:

    NAME                READY   STATUS
    k0rdent-aws-test2   True    ClusterDeployment is ready
  4. Create Kubeconfig for Clusters:

    make get-kubeconfig-aws-test1
    make get-kubeconfig-aws-test2

    This will put kubeconfigs for a cluster admin under the folder kubeconfigs for both created clusters

  5. Access Clusters through kubectl

    KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/k0rdent-aws-test1.kubeconfig" PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl get node

    Example output (username suffix will be present only if you specified the USERNAME variable at the General Setup step):

    NAME                               STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
    k0rdent-aws-test1-<username>-cp-0             Ready    control-plane   19m   v1.31.2+k0s
    k0rdent-aws-test1-<username>-md-j87z9-fljb4   Ready    <none>          17m   v1.31.2+k0s
    k0rdent-aws-test1-<username>-md-j87z9-r85gs   Ready    <none>          17m   v1.31.2+k0s
    KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/k0rdent-aws-test2.kubeconfig" PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl get node

    Example output (username suffix will be present only if you specified the USERNAME variable at the General Setup step):

    NAME                               STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
    k0rdent-aws-test2-<username>-cp-0             Ready    control-plane   19m   v1.31.2+k0s
    k0rdent-aws-test2-<username>-md-j87z9-fljb4   Ready    <none>          17m   v1.31.2+k0s
    k0rdent-aws-test2-<username>-md-j87z9-r85gs   Ready    <none>          17m   v1.31.2+k0s

Demo 2: Single Standalone Cluster Upgrade

Expected completion time ~10 min

This demo shows how to upgrade an existing cluster through the cluster template system. This expects Demo 1 to be completed or the aws-test1 cluster already created during the Demo Setup.

This demo will upgrade the k8s cluster from v1.31.2+k0s.0 (which is part of the demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1 template) to v1.31.3+k0s.0 (which is part of demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.2)

  1. Install ClusterTemplate Upgrade

    make apply-clustertemplate-demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.2

    This will actually not only install a ClusterTemplate but also a ClusterTemplateChain. This ClusterTemplateChain will tell k0rdent that the demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.2 is an upgrade from demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1.

    You can find this new ClusterTemplate in the list of template with the command:

    PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl -n k0rdent get clustertemplates

    Example of the output:

    NAME                           VALID
    demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1   true
    demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.2   true <-- this is the new template
  2. The fact that we have an upgrade available will be reported by k0rdent. You can find all available upgrades for all cluster deployments by executing this command:

    make get-avaliable-upgrades-k0rdent

    Example output (username suffix will be present only if you specified the USERNAME variable at the General Setup step):

    Cluster k0rdent-aws-test1-<username> available upgrades: 
      - demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.2
    Cluster k0rdent-aws-test2-<username> available upgrades: 
      - demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.2
  3. Apply Upgrade of the cluster:

    make apply-cluster-deployment-aws-test1-0.0.2
  4. Monitor the rollout of the upgrade

    You can watch how new machines are created and old machines are deleted:

    PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl -n k0rdent get machines -w

    You will see how for cluster test1 the k0s control plane node version is upgraded to the new one, then one by one new worker nodes should be provisioned and put into Running state, and old nodes should be removed.

    Hint: control plane nodes for k0s clusters are being upgraded in place (check the version field) without provisioning new machines.

    Or how in the created cluster old nodes are drained and new nodes are attached:

    KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/k0rdent-aws-test1.kubeconfig" PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl get node -w

Demo 3: Install ServiceTemplate into single Cluster

Expected completion time ~5 min

This demo shows how a ServiceTemplate can be installed in a Cluster.

In order to run this demo you need Demo 1 completed, which created the test2 cluster.

  1. Install ServiceTemplate in k0rdent:

    make apply-servicetemplate-demo-ingress-nginx-4.11.0

    This installs the custom ServiceTemplate and ServiceTemplateChain demo-ingress-nginx-4.11.0. ServiceTemplate refers to the Helm chart demo-ingress-nginx of version 4.11.0 which was published to the local Helm repository on the Infra Setup steps.

    You can find this new ServiceTemplate in the list of template with the command:

    PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl -n k0rdent get servicetemplates

    Example of the output:

    NAME                        VALID
    demo-ingress-nginx-4.11.0   true <-- this is the installed template
  2. Apply ServiceTemplate to cluster:

    make apply-cluster-deployment-aws-test2-0.0.1-ingress

    This applies the 0.0.1-ingress.yaml yaml template. For simplicity the yamls are a full ClusterDeployment Object and not just a diff from the original cluster. The command output will show you a diff that explains that the only thing that actually has changed is the serviceTemplate key

  3. Monitor how the ingress-nginx is installed in test2 cluster:

    watch KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/k0rdent-aws-test2.kubeconfig" PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl get pods -n ingress-nginx

    The final state should be similar to:

    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    ingress-nginx-controller-86bd747cf9-ds56s   1/1     Running   0          34s

    You can also check the services status of the ClusterDeployment of object in our management cluster:

    make get-yaml-clusterdeployment-aws-test2

    The output under the should contain information about successfully deployed ingress nginx service (username suffix will be present only if you specified the USERNAME variable at the General Setup step):

      - clusterName: k0rdent-aws-test2-<username>
        clusterNamespace: k0rdent
        - lastTransitionTime: "2024-12-19T17:24:35Z"
          message: Release ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
          reason: Managing
          status: "True"
          type: ingress-nginx.ingress-nginx/SveltosHelmReleaseReady

Demo 4: Install ServiceTemplate into multiple clusters

Expected completion time ~5 min

This Demo shows the capability of k0rdent to install a ServiceTemplate into multiple Clusters without the need to reference it in every cluster as we did in Demo 3.

While this demo can be shown even if you only have a single cluster, its obviously better to be demoed with two clusters. If you followed along the demo process you should have two clusters.

Be aware though that the cluster creation takes around 10-15mins, so depending on how fast you give the demo, the cluster creation might not be completed and the installation of services possible also delayed. You can totally follow this demo and the services will be installed after the clusters are ready.

  1. Install Kyverno ServiceTemplate in k0rdent:

    make apply-servicetemplate-demo-kyverno-3.2.6

    This will install a new ServiceTemplate which installs a standard installation of kyverno in a cluster.

    You can find this new ServiceTemplate in the list of template with the command:

    PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl -n k0rdent get servicetemplates

    Example of the output:

    NAME                        VALID
    demo-ingress-nginx-4.11.0   true 
    demo-kyverno-3.2.6          true <-- this is the installed template
  2. Apply MultiClusterService to cluster:

    make apply-multiclusterservice-global-kyverno

    This will install a cluster-wide object to the management cluster. It has a clusterSelector configuration of the label Helm which selects all objects with this label. Please, don't confuse and types. First one - is the type of Project k0rdent objects, we deploy them to the management cluster and then, kcm operator creates various objects, including CAPI relies on labels. Currently, it's not possible to specify them in the ClusterDeployment object configuration, there is an issue on GitHub. But, to demonostrate the possibility of deploying service to multiple clusters without specifiying in each ClusterDeployment object, we will use in this demo the Helm label, which is automatically set to all objects by k0rdent.

  3. Monitor how the kyverno service is being installed in both clusters that we deployed previously:

    watch KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/k0rdent-aws-test1.kubeconfig" kubectl get pods -n kyverno
    watch KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/k0rdent-aws-test2.kubeconfig" kubectl get pods -n kyverno

    There might be a couple of seconds delay before that k0rdent and sveltos needs to start the installation of kyverno, give it at least 1 mins.

    The final state for each cluster should be similar to:

    NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kyverno-admission-controller-96c5d48b4-rqpdz     1/1     Running   0          47s
    kyverno-background-controller-65f9fd5859-qfwqc   1/1     Running   0          47s
    kyverno-cleanup-controller-848b4c579d-fc8s4      1/1     Running   0          47s
    kyverno-reports-controller-6f59fb8cd6-9j4f7      1/1     Running   0          47s
  4. You can also check the deployment status for all clusters in the MultiClusterService object:

    make get-yaml-milticlasterservice-global-kyverno

    In the output you can find information about clusters where the service is deployed (username suffix will be present only if you specified the USERNAME variable at the General Setup step):

    kind: MultiClusterService
        - clusterName: k0rdent-aws-test1-<username>
          clusterNamespace: k0rdent
          - lastTransitionTime: "2025-01-03T14:12:33Z"
            message: ""
            reason: Provisioned
            status: "True"
            type: Helm
          - lastTransitionTime: "2025-01-03T14:12:33Z"
            message: Release kyverno/kyverno
            reason: Managing
            status: "True"
            type: kyverno.kyverno/SveltosHelmReleaseReady
        - clusterName: k0rdent-aws-test2-<username>
          clusterNamespace: k0rdent
          - lastTransitionTime: "2025-01-03T14:12:33Z"
            message: ""
            reason: Provisioned
            status: "True"
            type: Helm
          - lastTransitionTime: "2025-01-03T14:12:33Z"
            message: Release kyverno/kyverno
            reason: Managing
            status: "True"
            type: kyverno.kyverno/SveltosHelmReleaseReady

Demo 5: Approve ClusterTemplate & InfraCredentials for separate Namespace

Expected completion time ~2 min

  1. Approve the clustertemplate into the blue namespace

    make approve-clustertemplatechain-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1

    Check the status of the AccessManagement object:

    make get-yaml-accessmanagement

    In the status section you can find information about the clustertemplate that was approved to the target blue namespace:

    kind: AccessManagement
      - clusterTemplateChains:
        - demo-aws-standalone-cp-0.0.1
          - blue
  2. Approve the AWS credentials into the blue namspace

    make approve-credential-aws

    Check the status of the hmc AccessManagement object:

    make get-yaml-accessmanagement

    In the status section you can find information about the clustertemplate that was approved to the target blue namespace:

    kind: AccessManagement
      - credentials:
        - aws-cluster-identity-cred
          - blue
  3. Show that the platform engineer only can see approved clustertemplate and credentials and no other ones:

    KUBECONFIG="certs/platform-engineer1/kubeconfig.yaml" PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl get credentials,clustertemplates -n blue


    NAME                                                    READY   DESCRIPTION   true    AWS credentials
    NAME                                                            VALID   true

Demo 6: Use approved ClusterTemplate in separate Namespace

Expected completion time ~10-15 min

  1. Create Cluster in blue namespace (this will be ran as platform engineer)

    make apply-cluster-deployment-aws-dev1-0.0.1

    This will create the object of type ClusterDeployment, same as in Demo 1 but in the blue namespace and using the approved and delivered ClusterTemplate to that namespace.

  2. Monitor the deployment of the cluster and wait when it be in Ready state: For the first cluster:

    make watch-aws-dev1

    Example of the output of fully deployed first cluster:

    NAME            READY   STATUS
    blue-aws-dev1   True    ClusterDeployment is ready
  3. Get Kubeconfig for aws-dev1

    make get-kubeconfig-aws-dev1
  4. Access cluster

    KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/blue-aws-dev1.kubeconfig" kubectl get node

    Example output (username suffix will be present only if you specified the USERNAME variable at the General Setup step):

    NAME                           STATUS   ROLES           AGE    VERSION
    blue-aws-dev1-<username>-cp-0             Ready    control-plane   10m    v1.31.2+k0s
    blue-aws-dev1-<username>-md-kxgdb-bgmhw   Ready    <none>          2m4s   v1.31.2+k0s
    blue-aws-dev1-<username>-md-kxgdb-jkcpc   Ready    <none>          2m5s   v1.31.2+k0s

Demo 7: Test new ClusterTemplate as k0rdent Admin, then approve them in separate Namespace

Demo 8: Use newly approved ClusterTemplate in separate Namespace

Demo 9: Approve ServiceTemplate in separate Namespace

Expected completion time ~1-2 min

  1. Approve the ServiceTemplate into the blue namespace

    make approve-servicetemplatechain-ingress-nginx-4.11.0

    Check the status of the hmc AccessManagement object:

    make get-yaml-accessmanagement

    In the status section you can find information about the ServiceTemplateChain that was approved to the target blue namespace:

    kind: AccessManagement
      - serviceTemplateChains:
        - demo-ingress-nginx-4.11.0
          - blue
  2. Show that the platform engineer only can see approved clustertemplate and credentials and no other ones:

    KUBECONFIG="certs/platform-engineer1/kubeconfig.yaml" PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl get servicetemplates -n blue


    NAME                        VALID
    demo-ingress-nginx-4.11.0   true

Demo 10: Use ServiceTemplate in separate Namespace

Expected completion time ~5 min

  1. Apply ServiceTemplate to the cluster in blue namespace that was created in Demo 6 (this will be ran as platform engineer):

    make apply-cluster-deployment-aws-dev1-0.0.1-ingress

    This applies the 0.0.1-ingress.yaml yaml template. For simplicity the yamls are a full ClusterDeployment Object and not just a diff from the original cluster. The command output will show you a diff that explains that the only thing that actually has changed is the serviceTemplate key

  2. Monitor how the ingress-nginx is installed in dev1 cluster:

    watch KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/blue-aws-dev1.kubeconfig" PATH=$PATH:./bin kubectl get pods -n ingress-nginx

    The final state should be similar to:

    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    ingress-nginx-controller-86bd747cf9-ds56s   1/1     Running   0          34s

    You can also check the services status of the ClusterDeployment of object in management cluster (this will be ran as platform engineer):

    make get-yaml-clusterdeployment-aws-dev1

    The output under the should contain information about successfully deployed ingress nginx service:

      - clusterName: blue-aws-dev1
        clusterNamespace: blue
        - lastTransitionTime: "2024-12-19T17:24:35Z"
          message: Release ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
          reason: Managing
          status: "True"
          type: ingress-nginx.ingress-nginx/SveltosHelmReleaseReady
  3. If you completed Demo 4 and deployed MultiClusterService kyverno , you may also find the service was deployed to the new cluster, even the ClusterDeployment object is located in different namespace than clusters we deployed in Demo 4. This is because MultiClusterService is the cluster-scope object and new cluster in the blue namespace has labels that meet the requirements in MultiClusterService object.

    Get the state of kyverno service in dev1 cluster:

    watch KUBECONFIG="kubeconfigs/blue-aws-dev1.kubeconfig" kubectl get pods -n kyverno

    It should show the state similar to:

    NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kyverno-admission-controller-96c5d48b4-rqpdz     1/1     Running   0          47s
    kyverno-background-controller-65f9fd5859-qfwqc   1/1     Running   0          47s
    kyverno-cleanup-controller-848b4c579d-fc8s4      1/1     Running   0          47s
    kyverno-reports-controller-6f59fb8cd6-9j4f7      1/1     Running   0          47s

    You can also find that the new ClusterDeployment from the blue namespace appears in the MultiClusterService object status:

    make get-yaml-milticlasterservice-global-kyverno

    In the output you can find information about clusters where the service is deployed:

    kind: MultiClusterService
        - clusterName: blue-aws-dev1
          clusterNamespace: blue
          - lastTransitionTime: "2025-01-08T11:31:34Z"
            message: ""
            reason: Provisioned
            status: "True"
            type: Helm
          - lastTransitionTime: "2025-01-08T11:31:34Z"
            message: Release kyverno/kyverno
            reason: Managing
            status: "True"
            type: kyverno.kyverno/SveltosHelmReleaseReady

Cleaning up

As running the whole k0rdent setup can be quite taxing on your hardware, run the following command to clean up everything (both the public cloud resources mentioned above but also all local containers):

  make cleanup


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