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Installing Node Red

Minty Trebor edited this page Nov 3, 2021 · 3 revisions

Please follow these instructions from node-red (using the recommend settings on a r-pi running Raspbian - if installing on a r-pi). You must be in your home folder (eg. /home/pi/) before running these commands. The instructions below are offered as a guide - if you have installation issues with node-red or any of the additional nodes please refer to the node-red website for support.

Once installed enter the below commands to enable auto-start at boot.

sudo systemctl enable nodered.service
sudo systemctl start nodered

The next set of actions will add a setting to node-red to enable storage persistence - which is a way of retaining values through a reboot by allowing them to be stored in a file.

sudo nano settings.js

find existing commented out contextStorage section and replace it with the below

contextStorage: {
	storeInFile: { module: "localfilesystem"},
	default    : { module: "memory" }

enter CTRL+X to save and exit (confirming overwrite).

Finally restart node-red

sudo systemctl restart nodered

Navigate to :


to access your new node-red!