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PowerShell Configuration Profile

Table of Contents



  • Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Windows Server 2016 or higher
  • Windows Terminal use PowerShell version 5.1 by default, for some of the features, we might need a PowerShell 7
  • To see your PowerShell version use $PSVersionTable



  • You can use other sources than scoop to install the packages
  • You can ignore installing packages if you already have them

Install Scoop command-line installer

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser ; irm | iex

Create some useful aliases

scoop alias add dump 'Get-ChildItem "~/scoop/buckets/$($args[0])/bucket" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |% { echo "$($_.BaseName)" }'
scoop alias add i 'scoop install $args[0]'
scoop alias add r 'scoop uninstall $args[0]'
scoop alias add l 'scoop list'
scoop alias add u 'scoop update $args[0]'
scoop alias add ua 'scoop update *'
scoop alias add ca 'scoop cleanup *'
scoop alias add cc 'scoop cache rm *'

Install git

scoop install git

Install 'extras' bucket


Optional but necessary to have a better app's repository

scoop bucket add extras

Install a Nerd Font

Add nerd-fonts bucket

scoop bucket add nerd-fonts

Select a font style you want to use from the available list

scoop dump nerd-fonts

Install selected font

In my case CascadiaCode-NF and CascadiaCode-NF-Mono

scoop install CascadiaCode-NF CascadiaCode-NF-Mono


  • Close the Windows Terminal to refresh the new installed font
  • If the new font doesn't appear try checking the 'Show all fonts' box
  • Make sure to set the new font in Windows Terminal
  • Preferably use Mono fonts for the terminal

Install Oh My Posh

scoop install oh-my-posh

Install fzf

scoop install fzf

Install bat

scoop install bat

Install less (suggests by bat)

scoop install less

Install fd

scoop install fd

Install NuGet


You need to install 'NuGet' for 5.1 <= PowerShell version < 6.0 (if not just skip)

Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force -Scope CurrentUser

Install z, PSFzf, posh-git, PSReadLine, PowerColorLS, Terminal-Icons

Install-Module -Name z, PSFzf, posh-git, PSReadLine, PowerColorLS, Terminal-Icons -Force -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser

Copy the new configuration on $profile path


Select only one of both

Online installation method

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile $profile

Clone or download version method


Get sure to change directory to the project path before execute the command in your terminal

Copy-Item -Force -Path ".\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1" -Destination $profile

Last steps

  • Deletes all old installed versions of apps
scoop ca
  • Removes all downloaded files from the cache
scoop cc
  • Close Windows Terminal and open it again to see the results


  • If you see broken icons, check the selected font

Available alias

Scoop alias

  • dump: This alias lists all the packages available in a particular bucket. It takes one argument, the name of the bucket.

  • i: This alias installs an app. It takes one argument, the name of the app to install.

  • r: This alias uninstalls an app. It takes one argument, the name of the app to uninstall.

  • l: This alias lists all the apps installed via Scoop.

  • u: This alias updates an app or Scoop itself. It takes one argument, the name of the app to update.

  • ua: This alias updates all installed apps.

  • ca: This alias deletes all old installed versions of apps. It is recommended to exit any running programs before using this command.

  • cc: This alias empties the download cache. It removes all downloaded files from the cache.

PowerShell alias

  • ie: This alias stands for Invoke-Explorer and opens Windows File Explorer in the current directory.

  • gpsv: This alias stands for Get-PSVersion and returns information about the PowerShell version that is currently running.

  • grep: This alias stands for Select-String and searches for a pattern in a string or file.

  • gdir: This alias stands for Get-MemberInfo and returns information about the members of an object.

  • ife: This alias stands for Invoke-FuzzyEdit and opens a fuzzy search window to select a file to edit.

  • ifs: This alias stands for Invoke-FuzzyScoop and opens a fuzzy search window to select a scoop package to install.

  • ifh: This alias stands for Invoke-FuzzyHistory and opens a fuzzy search window to search through the command history.

  • cch: This alias stands for Clear-CommandHistory and clears the command history.

  • ifg: This alias stands for Invoke-FuzzyGitStatus and opens a fuzzy search window to select a file to stage for a git commit.

  • ifk: This alias stands for Invoke-FuzzyKillProcess and opens a fuzzy search window to select a process to kill.

  • ifd: This alias stands for Invoke-SetFuzzyDirectory and opens a fuzzy search window to select a directory to change.

  • cat: This alias stands for bat and displays the contents of a file with syntax highlighting.

  • ls: This alias stands for PowerColorLS and lists the contents of the current directory with color highlighting.

z Alias

You can also use z as an alternative to the cd command.

  • z [Jump path]

Shortcuts of Set-PsFzfOption

  • Ctrl+t: Shortcut to trigger file and directory selection

  • Ctrl+r: Shortcut to trigger history selection

  • Shift+Tab: Shortcut to replace the standard tab completion

  • Alt+d: Shortcut to opens a fuzzy search window to select a directory to change

Use of external modules (official documentation)


A custom PowerShell configuration for version 5.1>=





