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React Redux Login Form Test Task

A test task for generating login screen with provided PSD template and ReactJS as required tool.

Project uses my own mocked backend

To perform successful login use credentials: username: 'test', password: '123qwe123'.

CircleCI codecov StackShare Commitizen friendly

Tools and technologies

Here is a list of tools and technologies, which were used for this project

Project Structure

|-- Dockerfile                                  # Project Dockerfile
|--                                   # Project README
|-- build                                       # Folder with compiled code
|-- coverage                                    # Code coverage report folder
|-- public                                      # Public static files ( images, css, js )
|-- server.ts                                   # Server configuration file
|-- src                                         # Development files source folder
|   |-- components                              # Reusable dummy components folder
|   |-- containers                              # Pages and bind to store containers folder
|   |-- scss                                    # Sccs variables folder
|   `-- store                                   # Redux store folder
|       `-- auth                                # Auth state folder
|           |-- actions                         # Auth actions
|           |-- epics                           # Auth epics
|           |-- reducers                        # Auth reducers
|           `-- selectors                       # Auth selectors
|-- tsconfig.json                               # Typescript configuration file
|-- tsconfig.test.json                          # Typescript testing configuration file
`-- tslint.json                                 # TsLint configuration file

Scripts overview

Overview of some project script and how to run the project

    # For development you need to install packages with any tool npm/yarn
    npm i

    # To bundle and minify app in production mode use
    npm run build

    # To build a docker image use ( previous build step is required at first )
    npm run docker:build

    # Run docker container on port 80
    npm run docker

    # To run the app in development mode on dev server run in one termianl
    npm run watch-css # To watch scss assets

    # And in another terminal run
    npm start

    # Run node server with bundled react
    npm run server

    # Run tests with code coverage
    npm run test
    # Run tdd
    npm run tdd