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This repository demonstrates a simple example of the LVQ4J library usage on the Iris Data Set, which is, perhaps, the best known study case in the machine classification field.

Building and running (Gradle)

Step 1. Download or clone this repository.

git clone

Step 2. Build the example.

cd lvq4j-example-iris
./gradlew build

Step 3. Download the Iris Data Set.

Step 4. Run the example:

java -jar build/libs/lvq4j-example-iris-1.0.0.jar <train data file>

Profit! If you did everything correctly, the output you'll see will be similar to this:

lvq4j-example-iris $ java -jar build/libs/lvq4j-example-iris-1.0.0.jar /mnt/e/iris.csv
19:44:56.689 [main]              INFO  Main - Successfully read 150 Iris data records
19:44:56.709 [main]              INFO  Main - Neural network will be training asynchronously!
19:44:56.710 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  LVQ4J - Normalized input in 0 millis with function me.darksidecode.lvq4j.NormalizationFunction$$Lambda$24/1209669119
19:44:56.711 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  LVQ4J - Initialized weights in 0 millis with strategy me.darksidecode.lvq4j.WeightsInitializer$$Lambda$17/1884122755
19:44:56.711 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  LVQ4J - Neural network will begin training from scratch.
19:44:56.753 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  Train Finish Listener - The neural network has finished training!
19:44:56.754 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  Train Finish Listener - ===============================================
19:44:56.755 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  Train Finish Listener -   SUMMARY
19:44:56.756 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  Train Finish Listener -     Overall accuracy: 98.0%
19:44:56.757 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  Train Finish Listener -     Accuracy per cluster (per Iris species):
19:44:56.757 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  Train Finish Listener -       0: 100.0%
19:44:56.757 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  Train Finish Listener -       1: 96.0%
19:44:56.757 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  Train Finish Listener -       2: 98.0%
19:44:56.757 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  Train Finish Listener - ===============================================
19:44:56.758 [Iris Train Thread] INFO  LVQ4J - Training completed. It took 46 millis to run 188 iterations for a final error square
sum of 13.05253438308561

Next steps

See LVQ4J Wiki and try playing with the code, and then write an own classifier that makes use of LVQ4J.


Apache License 2.0