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This tool automates the creation of the necessary .xml files needed (as outlined here) to add new wares to X4: Foundations.

Instead of having to comb over a dozen xml files making sure all of your ids and references are properly configured, this tool will wire all of that up for you.


  • You will need an unpacked folder - see this forum post for more information
  • Comfort with XML, and running programs using a windows CLI
  • You backup your mod ! Especially if you use this tool with it!!! (but really, you should be doing that anyway)


  • Download latest release
  • You can unpack the .zip (or skip this if you downloaded the .exe file) into any directory, I personally use the X4 Foundations game path, but it ultimately doesn't matter where you put it as long as you can access it using the command line.

CLI Usage:

Providing you are running CMD.exe or PowerShell, you can run waregen.exe - if you are in the same directroy as the waregen.exe file.

waregen [configXmlPath] [options]

  configXmlPath  path to config file           [string] [default: "example.xml"]

  --version    Show version number                                     [boolean]
  -f, --force  Force overwrites
  --help       Show help                                               [boolean]

If you downloaded the .zip release, the included example.xml file will create a new mod called example, and place glass and plastic wares into the game.

Special Note: If you use the example.xml, it will also automatically create a new game mode to playtest the example.xml stuff. This is just to show you how this is wired up to a game start, with the player having the new wares researched already. It doesn't automatically update either if you change the example wares.


All of the wares you wish to add to the game described inside an xml file that follows the same schema as the example.xml file.

Here is basically what you will see:

    <!-- prefix is used to avoid conflict with other mods, use an acronym for your mod or your name -->
    <prefix value="example"/>
    <!-- gamepath is the full path to your X4 game's folder -->
    <gamepath value="%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\X4 Foundations"/>
    <!-- modpath is the relative path from gamepath to the mod that the generator will create files in -->
    <modpath value="extensions\example"/>
    <!-- unpackedpath is the relative pat from gamepath to where all of the unpacked files are, including assets -->
    <unpackedpath value="unpacked-150"/>
    <!-- defaults include all the same values you use across your wares and blueprints, this way you can be less verbose -->
    <defaults> <!-- (see the example.xml file for details) -->
      <ware ... />
      <blueprint  .../>
  <generation> <!-- generation tag contains the recipes for creating your wares -->
    <!-- addware properties are for the generator, the child nodes will mostly be copy/pasted from the generator, using the same spec and schema as the game, with slight alteration around "blueprint" which will be explained later -->
    <addware id="glass" cloneProductionModuleFrom="prod_gen_refinedmetals" baskets="[refined, pirate_container, all_container, all]">
      <ware ... />
      <blueprint .../>
    <addware id="plastic" cloneProductionModuleFrom="prod_gen_refinedmetals" baskets="[refined, pirate_container, all_container, all]">
      <ware .../>
      <blueprint .../>



This contains the following five nodes:


Set value to be equivelent to the prefix you wish to use for your mod. This will then automatically add this prefix to every internal id.

If you were you use the following tag:

<prefix value = "foo"/>

Then any of your wares are prefixed, so if you had a ware with an id of "plastic", internally the game would recognize it as foo_plastic - the generator makes it easy to ensure it is referenced properly, while you can still consider it as platsic . the id is not used to show to the player, but internally referenced. This means if someone with another mod had a ware called plastic, it would not interfere with your mod, ooverwrite it, etc.

Simply put, prefix is used to prevent collisions and help ensure compatibility.


Set value to equal the full path to where you have X4 Foundations installed.

<gamepath value="%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\X4 Foundations"/>

Environment variables will be reference by text inbetween % characters, regardless of your operating system.


Set value to equal the relative path of your mod's installation. If the path does not exist, the generator will create it for you

If you have it set to this:

<gamepath value="\Gamez\X4"/>
<modpath value="extensions\my_cool_mod"/>

Then the generator would sent assume its full path to be C:\Gamez\X4\extensions\my_cool_mod - Where C drive could be whatever your current working directory (aka CWD) drive is, as the path will resolve the same drive as where you are running waregen.exe


Just like modpath, set value to be the relative path of your unpacked installation.

<gamepath value="\Gamez\X4"/>
<unpackedpath value="unpacked"/>

would translate to C:\Gamez\X4\unpacked - Where the Drive letter would depend on which drive you ran waregen.exe ..

Speaking of relative paths: If you know how pathing works, you can use all the usual references such as ../ or ..\ (POSIX paths will be translated to win32 paths automatically, so it doesnt really matter what type of slash you use here) - You can also set the Drive letter for gamepath, but not for modpath or extensions


Here you can set all of the default values for wares and blueprints (a word about blueprints later). Any wares or blueprints you have defined in the <addwares> tag will automatically extend from this, or inherit the defaults. That way, you can be less verbose with your wares if they are using the same things over and over again.


This is where all of the magic happens. Most of it anyway.


The addware tag is used by the generator to:

  • create wares
  • the production modules that produce the wares
  • the blueprints which detail "how to build or research" the production module
  • the baskets the wares will be patched into, so the AI will trade them, and pirates will have them in their cargo bays

Each addware has the following attributes, which must be set:

  • id - used as a base identifier, when creating all of the necessary wares, modules, modulegroups, baskets, macros, etc (do not add a prefix here unless you want double prefixes)
  • cloneProductionModuleFrom - the name of a production module macro in the game that you want to copy. This will copy the icon, the 3d model, hull, and race information around the station module you want this to copy. Not including this is unsupported. You can edit the cloned module (which will have all the corrected identifiers and names) after it is generated. You can find all of the names as the filenames for every module seen in unpacked/assets/structures/production/macros/ folder.
  • baskets - a comma delimited array of all of the AI baskets this belongs to. You can find a full list of the baskets in unpacked/libraries/baskets.xml - this will be used to generate the xml_patch for inserting the ware into the corresponding baskets.

Use this to fill in the same exact values you would for the <ware> tag found in wares.xml - the generator will automatically populate the id, macro, and component values and ensure your ware is mapped to all of the other xml files.


Use this to set the cost of your production module, such as what parts are required to build it, and how much it costs to purchase from a faction leader. Your blueprint will be saved as a <ware> in the wares.xml file - but is called a blueprint only in this to help differentiate blueprint wares from regular wares. That means, if you are familiar with blueprints, you can put any xml in here that the game understands and it'll be copy-pasted right in. The only benefit you get from using addwares, is all of the ids, names, etc will be set for you.


This project was built with node.js and is open source and MIT licensed. You can contribute to this project at