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Tic Tac Toe Game 🎮

Download this project and play Tic Tac Toe with your friends! But don't get mad at them 🤣


Although being a simple project, it really helped me grasp plenty of basic concepts about logical programming.


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript ES6
  • React :electron:
  • Node.js (to build the app)


Below you'll find the logic behind my game 🕹️


  • 9 button components are created from an empty array using the method
  • The innerText property of each button is changed upon clicking on them. This action is only triggered if the button value is empty to prevent overriding.
  • The process is handled by the function turnChange.
  • There are two buttons available to the user-- one to reset the game and another to reset the score.
  • ⚠️To access innerText property, I needed to create a nodeList first. However, since JavaScript created it before React could render the components to the page, this triggered an error on first load since nodeList was empty. SOLUTION: asynchronous code! A promise is called to create the nodeList with a 10 milliseconds delay.


The App uses several useState and one useEffect to manage the gameplay

  • Player turns are handled by useState turnState.
  • A winner is detected with useState winner.
  • Draw is detected (no player wins) with useState draw.
  • Two more useState control X and O scores. useEffect increments player's score by one depending on the winner value.


The game relies on conditional CSS rendering to show or hide different elements after the game ends

  • Header color changes according to player color-- blue for O, orange for X. Perhaps a Portal 2 reference? 🤔
  • Styles change whether one player wins or the game ends in a draw. This displays a text accordingly and hides all elements except the reset button.


  • turnChange writes player mark on the board and changes player turn and styles accordingly.
  • checkDraw checks if the game ends in a draw by changing the state of draw only when all buttons are not empty and there's no winner either.
  • checkwinner checks if a player won on every turn by checking all possible win combinations in-place.
  • allFunctions functions wraps all functions that are triggered at once when user a clicks a button.
  • resetGame resets all values to their initial state.
  • resetScore resets player score to 0.