Perlin noise generation algorithm with NVidia CUDA.
1D Perlin noise
- Noise generation
- Putting octaves on noise
Naïve implementation(Removed as unnecessary) - Shared memory* implementation
- Naïve implementation
- Implementation optimized for any noise size
- Layering different noises on top of each other
2D Perlin noise
- Noise generation
- Putting octaves on noise
- Naïve implementation
- Shared memory implementation
- Layering different noises on top of each other
3D Perlin noise
*shared memory is the GPU equivalent of the L1-cache in the CPU.
- Add code to measure the performance of CUDA cores
- Display the results in the form of a table
planned table view:
# | kernelName | occupancy[%] | perform.[%] | time[ms] | boost[%] |
┌1 | kernel 1 | 66 | 100 | 0.02199 | 100 |
└2 | kernel 2 (compare with 1) | 100 | 124.93 | 0.01718 | +17.74 |
┌3 | kernel 3 | 100 | 100 | 0.0228 | 100 |
├4 | kernel 4 (compare with 3) | 100 | 106.743 | 0.02136 | 6.32 |
└5 | kernel 5 (compare with 3) | 100 | 93.097 | 0.0245 | -14.66 |
- Structure for storing benchmarking results
- Structure for storing the data of the function under test
- Wrap functions for Perlin noise generation in a class
- Create an enum with errors provided by the program
- Add code documentation
- Translate all comments into English (some of them are written in the native language of the developer - Russian)
- Make it into a library
- Generate 2D noise using CUDA directly into a texture video card, explore the possibility of directly mapping textures using OpenGL