Converts string representations of equations to matplotlib graphs or tuples of lists of data using this
2*x + 1 | sin(x) | sin(x+z) | sin(5*x)*cos(5*z)/5 |
- solve_2D(formula, points = 100, increment=0.1)
takes a string representation of an equation and creates a tuple of lists with x and y data
@param {str} formula - string representation of a linear system f(x)
@param {int} points - The number of data points created, becareful of using too many
@param {float} increment - distance between data points, smaller = more detailed, larger = faster
@returns {tuple} - x_values, z_values, y_value
- solve_3D(formula, points=100, increment=0.1)
takes a string representation of an equation and creates a tuple of lists with x, y, and z data
@param {str} formula - string representation of a system of equation f(x,z)
@param {int} points - The number of data points created, becareful of using too many
@param {float} increment - distance between data points, smaller = more detailed, larger = faster
@returns {tuple} - x_values, z_values, y_values
- graph_2D(data)
takes a tuple of data (x, y) and graphs it
@param {tuple} data - (x_values, y_values)
@returns {matplotlib plt}
- graph_3D(data, mesh_value=10)
takes a tuple of data (x, y) and graphs it
@param {tuple} data - (x_values, y_values)
@param {int} mesh_value - the number of meshes / area. larger = more detail
@returns {matplotlib plt}