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A command line arguments parser of Objective-C

SwiftyLine (CommandLine for Swift) is coming soon.


  1. Magic-Unique/MobileProvisionTool

  2. Magic-Unique/IPAServer

  3. Magic-Unique/IPASigner


  1. Support subcommands
  2. Support forwarding subcommand
  3. Support Queries
    • key-value (require)
    • key-value (optional)
    • key-value (optional & default-if-nil)
    • key-values (as array, for multi-queries)
  4. Support Flags
  5. Support Abbr and multi-abbrs parsing
  6. Auto create colorful help infomation (just like cocoapods.)
  7. Auto print helping infomation if arguments is invalid
  8. Version command
  9. Output with verbose/success/warning/error/info
  10. Custom colorful text
  11. Loading Indicator
  12. Progress Bar



pod 'CommandLine'


Drag CommandLine folder to your project.


#import "CommandLine.h"



If you want to define the command like:

$ pod spec create

it's meaning:

binary command subcommand subsubcommand...
pod spec create ...

you can execute the code before parse.

CLCommand *pod = [CLCommand main];
CLCommand *spec = [pod defineSubcommand:@"spec"];
spec.explain = @"Spec commands"; {
    CLCommand *create = [spec defineSubcommand:@"create"];
    create.explain = @"Create a pod spec";
    [create handleProcess:^int(CLCommand *command, CLProcess *process) {
        // do something to create a cocoapods spec.

        // return an int to main()
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Forwarding Subcommand

If you want to define default command like:

$ pod repo

# equals to

$ pod repo list

It's meaning:

binary command forwarding subcommand
pod repo list

You can execute the code before parse.

CLCommand *pod = [CLCommand main];
CLCommand *repo = [pod defineSubcommand:@"repo"];
repo.explain = @"Repo operator"; {
    CLCommand * list = [spec defineForwardingSubcommand:@"list"];
    list = @"List all local repo";
    [create handleProcess:^int(CLCommand *command, CLProcess *process) {
        // do something to list out local repo

        return 0;


If you want to define the command like:

$ codesign [--entitlement /path/to/entitlement.plist] --cert "iPhone Developer: XXXX" ...
# or
$ codesign [-e /path/to/entitlement.plist] -c "iPhone Developer: XXXX" ...

It's meaning:

Binary Query Key 1 Query Value 1 Query Key 2 Query Value 2
codesign entitlement/e (optional) /path/to/entitlement.plist cert/c (require) Cert Name

you can execute the code before parse.

CLCommand *codesign = [CLCommand main]; // get main command (without any command or subcommands)
    .setExplain("Entitlement.plist file path."); // define a optional query
    .setExplain("Cert name"); // define a require query
[codesign handleProcess:^CLResponse *(CLCommand *command, CLProcess *process) {
    NSString *cert = process.queries[@"cert"]; // get value with key.
    NSString *entitlement = process.queries[@"entitlement"]; // nonable
    //    to code sign

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

If you want to get a array value like:

$ demo --input /path/to/input1 --input /path/to/input2

It's meaning:

Binary Query Key Query Value
demo input path array

you can execute the code before parse.

CLCommand *demo = [CLCommand main];
[demo handleProcess: ^CLResponse *(CLCommand *command, CLProcess *process) {
    NSArray *inputs = process.queries[@"input"];

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


If you want to define the command like:

$ ls --all
# or
$ ls -a

It's meaning:

Binary Flag Key
ls all / a

you can execute the code before parse.

CLCommand *ls = [CLCommand main]; // get main command (without any command or subcommands)
    .setExplain(@"Print all contents."); // define a optional query
[ls handleProcess:^CLResponse *(CLCommand *command, CLProcess *process) {
    BOOL all = [process flag:@"all"];

    // list and print
    NSFileManager *fmgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
    NSError *error = nil;
    NSArray *contents = [fmgr contentsOfDirectory:[CLIOPath currentDirectory] error:&error];
    if (error) {
        printf("%s\n", error.localizedDescription.UTF8String);
        return [CLResponse error:error];
    if (NO == all) {
        NSMutableArray *mContents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:contents];
        //    remove all item with "." prefix in mContents;
        contents = [mContents copy];
    for (NSString *item in contents) {
        printf("%s\n", item.UTF8String);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Abbr & Multi-abbrs

For example:

# Multi-abbrs for flags:

$ rm -rf /path/to/directory

# is meaning:

$ rm -r -f /path/to/directory
$ rm --recursive --force /path/to/directory

# 'r' is recursive(flag)'s abbr, 'f' is force(flag)'s abbr.
# Multi-abbrs for flags and a query

$ codesign -fs 'iPhone Developer: XXXX (XXXX)' /path/to/

# is meaning:

$ codesign -f -s 'iPhone Developer: XXXX (XXXX)' /path/to/

# 'f' is replacing-exist-sign(flag)'s abbr
# 's' is signature(query)'s abbr 

CommandLine is supporting parse multi-abbrs!


IOPaths is a type of value without any key. It's usually used in input, output path. Such as:

$ cd /change/to/directory/        # inpuut
$ mkdir /create/new/folder        # input
$ zip /to/.zip /source/folder    # output & input

you can execute the code before parse.

CLCommand *zip = [CLCommand main]; // get main command (without any command or subcommands)

    User must type in an output path and one or more input path(s)
    .setExplain(@"output key");
    .setExplain(@"Input path");
    .setExplain(@"Input path");

[zip handleProcess:^CLResponse *(CLCommand *command, CLProcess *process) {
    NSArray *paths = process.paths; // paths.count >= 2
    NSString *output = paths.firstObject;
    NSArray *inputs = ({
        NSMutableArray *inputs = paths.mutableCopy;
        [input removeObjectAtIndex:0];

    NSString *fullOutput = [CLIOPath abslutePath:output]; // replace `~` with $HOME and append current directory if needs.
    //    to zip
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


After you defined all commands and their subcommands, you can handle and process the arguments

CLCommandMain(); //    return [CLCommand handleProcess];

Recommand Usage

Frist: Define all command in meta-class method with same prefix:

//    In a category.
+ (void)__init_command1 {
    // to define you command

//    In other category
+ (void)__init_command2 {
    //    to define you command

Second: Coding in main():

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        CLMainExplain = @"Description for this command line tool"; // set description
        CLMakeSubcommand(CLCommand, __init_); // define your command. The second argument is the prefix in first step.
        CLCommandMain(); // handle and process arguments
    return 0;

Helping Infomations

When should the tool print helping infomation ?

  1. User type in --help or -h for helping
  2. User type in illegal arguments. Such as: inputed 2 paths but 3 required, didnot input required query...

CommandLine will auto create a colorfull helping infomation and print automatically.

Colorfull helping infomation ? Yes ! Just like CocoaPods.

CocoaPods Helping Infomations

Special output

1. Verbose

Print more infomations mode.

It will be triggered by flag --verbose.

You can use in task:

CLVerbose(@"Making temp directory: %@", tempDirectory);
//    it will be print if the process contains `verbose` flag.
//    auto append a '\n' in end.

2. Success

Print green text.

You can use in task:

CLSuccess(@"Done! There are %lu devices in the mobileprovision", devices.count);
//    devices is instance of NSArray
//    print the text render with green color
//    auto append a '\n' in end.

3. Warning

Pring yellow text.

CLWarning(@"The directory is not exist, it will be ignore.");
//    print the text render with yellow color
//    auto append a '\n' in end.

4. Error

Print red text.

You can use in task:

CLError(@"Error: %@", error);// error is instance of NSError
//    print the text render with red color
//    auto append a '\n' in end.

5. More Info

Print light text.

You can use in task:

//    print the text with light font.
//    auto append a '\n' in end.

6. --no-ansi flag

If user pass --no-ansi flag into arguments, all above function will print plain text.

7. --silent flag

If use pass --silent flag into arguments, all above function will be invalid.


Print version of this tool or command.

[CLCommand mainCommand].version = @"1.0.0"; // do once.
$ tool --version

$ tool subcommand --version


NSString *fileList = CLLaunch(nil, @"ls", @"-a", nil);
CLLaunch(@"~", @"zip", @"-qry", @"", @".", nil);
CLLaunch(nil, @[@"ls", @"-a"], nil);

Print colorful text

#import "CCText.h"
CCPrintf(CCStyleBord|CCStyleItalic, @"A text with %@ and %@", @"bord", @"italic");
// see more CCStyle in CCText.h

Loading & Progress

CLLoading *loading = [CLLoading loading];
[loading start];
// do you task
[loading stop];

Loading with Bar Loading with SixPoints

CLProgress *progress = [CLProgress progress];
[progress start];
// do you task and set progress between 0.0 ~ 1.0
progress.progress = 0.5;
[progress stop];

Progress with Bar Progress with SixPoints




A command line arguments parser of Objective-C







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