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This package implements a set of benchmarks for the nonlinear solver MadNLP. MadNLPBenchmark.jl is using Makefile as an interface to install and run the different benchmarks. We recommend using it on a UNIX platform.

MadNLP is benchmarked against Ipopt in the different benchmark. Both Ipopt and MadNLP requires a proper installation of HSL.jl to run the benchmark. They are both using the linear solver HSL ma57 as a reference.


To install all the dependencies, run in your shell:

make install

By default, MadNLPBenchmark.jl is set up to use the master branch of MadNLP and its dependencies (MadNLPHSL, MadNLPGPU).

To udpate all the dependencies, run:

make update

You can test if the benchmark is set up correctly by running:

make test


If you want to run the benchmark in the directory bench, run:

julia --project=bench bench/benchmark.jl

The results are stored as a text file in the folder results/bench/*.

Run all the benchmarks with:

make all



Benchmark MadNLP and Ipopt on the CUTEst benchmark, using the instances provided by the package CUTEst.jl.

julia --project=cutest -p 4 cutest/benchmark.jl --solver all

The argument -p sets the number of processors used for the benchmark. The argument --solver specifies the solver to benchmark (madnlp launches MadNLP, ipopt Ipopt and all both MadNLP and Ipopt).


Alternatively, you can benchmark the performance of the LBFGS algorithms implemented in MadNLP and Ipopt as:

julia --project=cutest -p 4 cutest/lbfgs/benchmark.jl --solver all

Optimal power flow: PowerModels

Benchmark MadNLP and Ipopt on the PGLIB benchmark, using the different AC-OPF formulations provided by the PowerModels.jl package (built on top of JuMP).

The path to the PGLIB benchmark should be stored inside the environment variable PGLIB_PATH. E.g.

export PGLIB_PATH=/home/user/path/to/pglib-opf

Once PGLIB_PATH defined, one can run the OPF benchmark as

julia --project=powermodels -p 4 powermodels/benchmark.jl --solver all

Optimal power flow: ExaOPF

Benchmark MadNLP and Ipopt on the PGLIB benchmark, using ExaModels.jl as a backend (instead of JuMP). ExaModels can evaluate the derivatives either on the CPU or on a NVIDIA GPU. On the contrary to PowerModels.jl, only the polar AC-OPF formulation of optimal power flow is implemented with ExaModels.jl. Once the PGLIB_PATH set in the environment, one can run the benchmark with:

julia --project=exaopf exaopf/benchmark.jl --solver all

As it is designed to run on the GPU, we cannot run the ExaOPF benchmark on more than one process.

Optimal power flow: Argos

Benchmark MadNLP on the PGLIB benchmark, using Argos.jl as a backend. Argos uses the compact formulation of the polar AC-OPF, equivalent to the following JuMP model.

julia --project=argos argos/full/benchmark.jl

In addition, Argos implements the reduced-space OPF formulation of Dommel & Tinney.

julia --project=argos argos/reduced/benchmark.jl


The directory plots/ stores various scripts to plot the results of the different benchmark, including performance profiles. The performance profiles are plotted using the BenchmarkProfiles.jl package, kindly provided by JuliaSmoothOptimizers.

The directory has two scripts:

  1. plots/plot_profile.jl shows the result of the benchmark as a performance profile.
    julia --project=plots plots/plot_profile.jl results/cutest/cutest-quick-{ipopt,madnlp}.csv --type "iter"
  2. plots/scan.jl scans the benchmark and return a text file showing the detailed results.
    julia --project=plots plots/scan.jl results/cutest/cutest-quick-{ipopt,madnlp}.csv --type "iter"
    The script writes two files in the directory results/scan: results/scan/benchmark.txt shows all the benchmark, whereas results/scan/failures.txt shows only the instance when the first solver is successful and the second solver failed.


A set of benchmarks for MadNLP






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