See the Data2Services documentation to run RdfUpload as part of workflows to generate RDF knowledge graph from structured data.
This project uploads a RDF file into a specified SPARQL endpoint. It is possible to optionally define username and password.
Faster on RDF4J servers, as we use RDF4J. Mainly tested on GraphDB.
This Docker container is part of the LODQuA pipeline.
docker build -t rdf-upload .
docker run -it --rm rdf-upload -?
Usage: rdfupload [-?] [-ep=<endpoint>] -if=<inputFile> [-pw=<passWord>]
-rep=<repository> [-uep=<updateEndpoint>] [-un=<userName>]
-?, --help display a help message
-if, --inputFile=<inputFile>
RDF file path
-pw, --password=<passWord>
Password used for authentication
-rep, --repositoryId=<repository>
Repository ID
-un, --username=<userName>
Username userd for authentication
-url, --database-url=<uri>
URL to access GraphDB (e.g.: http://localhost:7200)
- Linux / OSX
# RDF4J server URL + repository ID
docker run -it --rm -v /data/rdfu:/data rdf-upload -if "/data/rdf_output.ttl" -url "http://localhost:7200" -rep "test" -un USERNAME -pw PASSWORD
# Upload multiple files with full SPARQL endpoint URL
docker run -it --rm -v /data/rdfu:/data rdf-upload -if "/data/*.ttl" -url "http://localhost:7200/repositories/test" -un USERNAME -pw PASSWORD
- Windows
docker run -it --rm -v c:/data/rdfu:/data rdf-upload -if "/data/rdf_output.ttl" -url "http://localhost:7200" -rep "test" -un USERNAME -pw PASSWORD
docker run -d --rm --name graphdb -p 7200:7200 \
-v /data/graphdb:/opt/graphdb/home \
-v /data/graphdb-import:/root/graphdb-import \
Issue: GraphDB needs to be stopped when running the load tool. Killing the java process stop the container
Try without the --rm
/opt/graphdb/dist/bin/preload -f -i <repo-name> <RDF data file(s)>
preload -f -i test /data/graphdb-preload/biogrid_dataset.ttl
docker run -it -v /data/graphdb:/opt/graphdb/home -v /data/graphdb-import:/root/graphdb-import --entrypoint "/opt/graphdb/dist/bin/preload -f -i test /opt/graphdb/home/data/rdf_output.nq" graphdb
# Not failing, but nothing load when docker start graphdb
docker run -it -v /data/graphdb:/opt/graphdb/home -v /data/graphdb-import:/root/graphdb-import --entrypoint /opt/graphdb/dist/bin/preload graphdb -c /root/graphdb-import/repo-config.ttl /opt/graphdb/home/data/rdf_output.nq
# Create repo test using config file. Works but GraphDB should not run
docker exec -it graphdb /opt/graphdb/dist/bin/preload -c "/root/graphdb-import/repo-config.ttl" "/opt/graphdb/home/data/rdf_output.nq"
# Use existing test repo
docker exec -it graphdb /opt/graphdb/dist/bin/preload -f -i test "/opt/graphdb/home/data/rdf_output.nq"
# Configuration template for an GraphDB-Free repository
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rep: <>.
@prefix sr: <>.
@prefix sail: <>.
@prefix owlim: <>.
[] a rep:Repository ;
rep:repositoryID "test" ;
rdfs:label "Test repo" ;
rep:repositoryImpl [
rep:repositoryType "graphdb:FreeSailRepository" ;
sr:sailImpl [
sail:sailType "graphdb:FreeSail" ;
# ruleset to use
owlim:ruleset "empty" ;
# disable context index(because my data do not uses contexts)
owlim:enable-context-index "true" ;
# indexes to speed up the read queries
owlim:enablePredicateList "true" ;
owlim:enable-literal-index "true" ;
owlim:in-memory-literal-properties "true" ;