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A powerful, quickly, light-weight hooking tool on iOS device without jailbreak.

在非越狱 iOS 平台上的强大的、快速的、轻量级 Hook 工具。

Feature 功能

  1. Hook methods of ObjC class. Hook一个二进制文件中的类的对象方法
  2. Create subclass extends ObjC class. 创建一个二进制文件中的类的子类
    • Add or override method 新增或重写方法
    • Add ivar 新增实例变量
    • Add property 新增属性
    • Quick method encoding 快速方法编码
  3. Create instances of the classes in binary file, 创建一个二进制文件中的类的对象
  4. Send message to class in binary file. 向二进制文件中的类发消息(工厂方法)
  5. Support code hinting in Xcode. 支持 Xcode 的代码提示

Installation 使用


pod 'MUHook'


Drag MUHookfishhook folder to your project


#import <MUHook/MUHook.h>

Usage - Fast Call 快速发消息

orig code 原代码

@interface MUFastCallClass : NSObject
	NSString *_name;

- (instancetype)initWithInteger:(NSInteger)integer object:(id)object;

+ (instancetype)instanceWithInteger:(NSInteger)integer object:(id)object;


hook code 插件代码

//	Alloc an instance without linking.
//	创建一个对象,如果直接 [[Class alloc] init] 调用,编译时候报 link 错误
MUFastCallClass *instance = MUHAllocInitWith(MUFastCallClass, initWithInteger:1 object:[NSObject new]);

//	Get associated object
//	取关联对象
NSObject *obj = MUHAsct(instance, object, strong);

//	Set associated object, supporting: strong/weak/assign/copy
//	设置关联对象,最后一个值支持: strong、weak、assign、copy
MUHAsct(instance, object, strong) = nil;

//	Get ivar value
//	取实例变量
NSString *name = MUHIvar(instance, _name);

//	Set ivar value
//	设置实例变量
MUHIvar(instance, _name) = @"New Name";

See more: MUHookDemo/Sample-FastCall

Usage - Hook Method 勾住方法

orig code 原代码

@interface MUHookClass : NSObject

+ (instancetype)instanceWithInt:(NSInteger)integer object:(id)object;

- (void)voidMethodWithObject:(id)object;

- (id)returnValueMethod;


hook code 插件代码

//	Define a class method named 'factory' to hook +[MUHookClass instanceWithInt:object:]
//	定义一个新的类方法实现体,称之'factory'(该名称只要自己保证类内唯一性即可)
MUHClassImplementation(MUHookClass, factory, MUHookClass *, NSInteger integer, id object) {
    NSLog(@"__hook__ -[MUHookClass instanceWithInt:object:]");
    MUHookClass *instance = MUHOrig(MUHookClass, factory, integer, object);
    return instance;

//	Define an instance method named 'voidMethod' to hook
//	-[MUHookClass voidMethodWithObject:]
//	定义一个新的带参数、无返回值的实例方法实现体
MUHInstanceImplementation(MUHookClass, voidMethod, void, id object) {
    NSLog(@"__hook__ -[MUHookClass voidMethodWithObject:]");
    MUHOrig(MUHookClass, voidMethod, object);

//	Define an instance method named 'returnMethod' to hook
//	-[MUHookClass returnValueMethod]
//	定义一个新的带返回值,无参数的实例方法体
MUHInstanceImplementation(MUHookClass, returnMethod, id) {
    NSLog(@"__hook__ -[MUHookClass returnValueMethod]");
    return MUHOrig(MUHookClass, returnMethod);

//	Execute hook
//	You need call the function MUHInitClass() in MUHMain()
//	执行 Hook
//	请在 MUHMain() 中手动调用该函数以生效以上 hook
void MUHInitClass(MUHookClass) 
  	//	Hook class method:ClassName,MethodName,SEL
  	//	参数列表:类名,自己取得方法名(与上面的方法体相同),SEL
    MUHHookClassMessage(MUHookClass, factory, instanceWithInt:object:);
  	//	Hook instance method:ClassName,MethodName,SEL
  	//	参数列表:类名,自己取得方法名(与上面的方法体相同),SEL
    MUHHookInstanceMessage(MUHookClass, voidMethod, voidMethodWithObject:);
    MUHHookInstanceMessage(MUHookClass, returnMethod, returnValueMethod);

//	In the other files(such as: Main.m).
//	Create an entry function to excute all hook.
//	在某个文件中(如 Main.m)
//	创建一个 MUHMain() 函数,来执行以上所有类的 Hook。
void MUHMain() {

See more: MUHookDemo/Sample-Hook

Usage - Create subclass 创建子类

orig code 原父类代码

@interface MUExtendsSuperClass : NSObject

+ (instancetype)superInstanceWithInt:(NSInteger)integer object:(id)object;

- (void)superVoidMethodWithObject:(id)object;

- (id)superReturnValueMethod;


hook code 插件子类代码

//	Define a class method named 'subInstance' to override
//	+[MUExtendsSuperClass superInstanceWithInt:object:]
MUHClassImplementation(MUExtendsSubClass, subInstance, MUExtendsSubClass *, NSInteger integer, id object) {
    NSLog(@"+[MUExtendsSubClass superInstanceWithInt:(NSInteger)%ld object:(id)%@]", integer, object);
    integer += 1; // Modify arguments
    MUExtendsSubClass *subInstancce = MUHSuper(MUExtendsSubClass, subInstance, integer, object);
    return subInstancce;

//	Define an instance method named 'voidMethod' to override
//	+[MUExtendsSuperClass superVoidMethodWithObject:]
MUHInstanceImplementation(MUExtendsSubClass, voidMethod, void, id object) {
    NSLog(@"+[MUExtendsSubClass superVoidMethodWithObject:(id)%@]", object);
    object = [MUExtendsSuperClass new]; // Modify arguments
    MUHSuper(MUExtendsSubClass, voidMethod, object);

//	Define an instance method named 'returnMethod' to override
//	+[MUExtendsSuperClass superReturnValueMethod]
MUHInstanceImplementation(MUExtendsSubClass, returnMethod, id) {
    NSLog(@"+[MUExtendsSubClass superReturnValueMethod]");
    id returnValue = MUHSuper(MUExtendsSubClass, returnMethod);
    return returnValue;

//	Define a property with setter and getter implementation
//	@property (nonatomic, strong) NSObject *name;
MUHPropertyImplementation(MUExtendsSubClass, strong, NSObject *, name);

void MUHInitClass(MUExtendsSubClass) {
	 * PS: When you call MUHCreateClass(), it will call createClass() and registerClassPair().
	 * So you can't add any ivar to this class.
	 * Please use association-object if you want to add propertys to the new class.
	 * 注意:当你调用 MUHCreateClass(),会自动调用 createClass() 和 registerClassPair() 函数。
	 * 所以你不能自定义添加实例变量到新的子类中
	 * 如果你需要定义属性,请使用关联对象
  	//	Create a subclass
    MUHCreateClass(MUExtendsSubClass, MUExtendsSuperClass);
	 * PS: If you want to add ivar to the new class, you must use MUHook (> 1.3.0).
	 * And use this code:
	 * Ivar only support: `strong` for object , `assign` for base type.
	 * 注意:当你想加入实例变量到新的类中时,你必须使用 1.3.0 以上的 MUHook,并使用一下代码:
	 * 实例变量只支持 `strong` 修饰对象,`assign` 修饰基本数据类型。
    MUHCreateClass(MUExtendsSubClass, MUExtendsSuperClass) withIvarList {
    	MUHAddIvar(NSString *, _name);
    	MUHAddIvar(NSUInteger, _age);
    	MUHAddIvar(CGRect, _frame);
     *	MUHAddMethod
     * ClassName, ImplementationName, return type, selector, [argument type list]
     * 类名, 实现体名, 返回值类型, selector, [参数类型列表]
    MUHAddClassMethod(MUExtendsSubClass, subInstance, id, superInstanceWithInt:object:, NSInteger, id);
    MUHAddInstanceMethod(MUExtendsSubClass, voidMethod, void, superVoidMethodWithObject:, id);
    MUHAddInstanceMethod(MUExtendsSubClass, returnMethod, id, superReturnValueMethod);
     *	MUHAddProperty
     * ClassName, PropertyType, PropertyName, Setter, Getter
    MUHAddProperty(MUExtendsSubClass, NSObject *, name, setName:, name);

See more: MUHookDemo/Sample-Extends

Usage - Add Property 添加属性

// Method 1: add `NSString *name` and `NSUInteger age`
// Method 2: add `CGRect frame`
// Method 3: add `NSString *nickName`

//	Method 1: for normal, define setter and getter implementation
//	方法1,自己实现 setter 和 getter 的方法体
MUHInstanceImplementation(MUExtendsSubClass, setName, void, NSString *name) {
    MUHSelfIvar(_name) = [name copy];

MUHInstanceImplementation(MUExtendsSubClass, getName, NSString *) {
    return MUHSelfIvar(_name);

MUHInstanceImplementation(MUExtendsSubClass, setAge, void, NSUInteger age) {
    MUHSelfIvar(_age) = @(age);

MUHInstanceImplementation(MUExtendsSubClass, getAge, NSUInteger) {
    return [MUHSelfIvar(_age) unsignedIntegerValue];

//	Method 3: for object, define property implementation
//	方法3,直接实现一个 property 的实现体
MUHPropertyImplementation(MUExtendsSubClass, strong, NSString *, nickName);

void MUHMain() {
    //  Add property - 添加属性
    //  Method 1: for normal, support base type, struct and object, custom with association-object and ivar. support readonly
    //  方法 1:支持基本数据类型、结构体、对象,支持自定义 ivar 或者关联对象。代码多,灵活度高,可只读
    //  Usage with MUHInstanceImplementation()
    MUHAddInstanceMethod(MUExtendsSubClass, setName, void, setName:, NSString *);
    MUHAddInstanceMethod(MUExtendsSubClass, getName, NSString *, name);
    MUHAddInstanceMethod(MUExtendsSubClass, setAge, void, setAge:, NSUInteger);
    MUHAddInstanceMethod(MUExtendsSubClass, getAge, NSUInteger, age);
    //  Method 2: for struct, custom with association-object or ivar. manual transform it in getter and setter. support readonly
    //  方法 2:支持基本数据类型、结构体、对象,支持自定义 ivar 或者关联对象,非对象需要自己转换,代码中等,灵活度中等,可只读
    MUHAddPropertyGetter(MUExtendsSubClass, CGRect, frame, frame) {
		//	Can not use `_cmd` in this method
		return [(NSValue *)MUHSelfIvar(_frame) rectValue];
    MUHAddPropertySetter(MUExtendsSubClass, CGRect, frame, setFrame:) {
		//	Can not use `_cmd` in this method
		MUHSelfIvar(_frame) = [NSValue valueWithRect:frame];
    //  Method 3: for object, only support association-object with strong,copy,weak,assign. unsupport readonly
    //  方法 3:仅支持对象,仅支持关联对象,代码少、灵活度低,不可只读
    //  Usage with MUHPropertyImplementation()
    MUHAddProperty(MUExtendsSubClass, NSString *, nickName, setNickName:, nickName);

See more: MUHookDemo/Sample-Extends

Usage - Hook Symbol function 符号函数 (Power by fishhook)

// Define function to hook malloc()
//	定义一个新的 malloc 函数实现体
MUHSymbolImplementation(malloc, void *, size_t size) {
    printf("malloc(%lu)\n", size);
    return MUHSymbolOrig(malloc, size);

// Define function to hook getchar()
//	定义一个新的 getchar 函数实现体
MUHSymbolImplementation(getchar, int) {
    printf("New temp\n");
    return MUHSymbolOrig(getchar);

//	Hook functions.
//	You need call the function in MUHMain().
//	执行本文件的模块 hook
//	该函数需要在 MUHMain() 中被调用,以上实现才生效
void initMUHookSymbolSample() {


Hook & create subclass without jailbreak







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