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Choctaw Indian Fair

This is the codebase for the Choctaw Indian Fair website.


The Choctaw Indian Fair is an annual event that takes place on our centuries-old homeland in beautiful Choctaw, Mississippi. This project contains the website for the fair, providing information and updates about the event.

Project Structure

The project has the following structure:

  • public/: This directory contains static files like images, fonts, and the index.html file.
    • img/: This directory contains all of the static image files.
    • pdf/: This directory contains all of the PDFs forms.
    • vid/: This directory contains all of the static video files used for BackgroundVid.tsx.
  • src/: This directory contains all the source code for the project.
    • components/: This directory contains all the React components used in the project.
    • data/: This directory contains all of the data used in the project.
    • routes/: This directory contains the page components. Each file corresponds to a route in the application.
    • index.css: This directory contains all the CSS styling for the components and pages. See also Tailwind Config for additional CSS styling classes.
  • package.json: This file contains the list of project dependencies and scripts.

To update a specific part of the code, navigate to the corresponding file in the project structure. For example, to update the Home page, you would modify the file src/routes/home.tsx.


To install the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies


To start the development server, run npm start.