This is an npm package that contains the Medium Editor library packaged as an Ember CLI Addon.
To install simply run:
ember install ember-cli-medium-editor
Add "MediumEditor" to the "predef" section in .jshintrc
in your Ember CLI project's root.
To change or customize the theme add mediumEditorOptions
to your
file. Themes available include bootstrap
, default
, mani
, and roman
. For older ember-cli versions, look in Brocfile.js.
var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
mediumEditorOptions: {
theme: 'bootstrap'
To use provide your own theme set theme: false
and provide your own css within
your project. To remove the base styles set excludeBaseStyles: true
var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
mediumEditorOptions: {
theme: 'bootstrap',
excludeBaseStyles: true
Providing the model and route are set up correctly, content typed in the contentEditable field should get bound to the ember model's attribute.
You should be able to use it in your handlebars templates like this e.g.:
{{ medium-content-editable value=body options=mediumEditorOptions onFinishedTyping=(action "optionalActionNameHere")}}
Value (required): the attribute you're trying to bind it to.
Options (optional): Json, options you want the editor to initialize with. You'll have to set these on the controller or component you're calling the editor component from. Options here. e.g.
mediumEditorOptions: {
"toolbar": {
"buttons": ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'anchor', 'header1', 'header2', 'unorderedlist', 'orderedlist'],
"checkLinkFormat": true,
"forcePlainText": true
onFinishedTyping (optional): This is an action that will be called after a 2 second debounce after the user has stopped typing. Can be used as an autosave etc. For example in the controller or component:
optionalActionNameHere: function() {
Thanks to Davi Ferreira for the editor and to everyone else who has contributed: