This program is designed to take raw, exported weather station files as .csv's from and go through each station (one station per csv file) and break this file into a format that can be used by CropSim.
CropSim needs yearly input. For the 1953-2020 period, this produces 67 individual files. This program will output those 67 files for each .csv file, looping through the files.
- Username: thad
- Password: scottsBluff19
import datetime
import os
from WeatherStationData import WsData
The following section of code is specific to the user running the program and should be updated to reflect the correct file locations:
file_path = "C:/Users/Jason/Desktop/weather_data_master/
Station data is stored in the file, under station_data
as a dictionary.
This includes the weather station name as a key, with the following data as values:
- Position 0 : Latitude
- Position 1 : Longitude
- Position 2 : Elevation (feet)
- Position 3 : National Weather Service Code