This project was written as a fun game on It has since become very popular and represents the work of many dedicated moderators and individuals. You may feel free to use this system for your group or local club, provided you abide by its Creative Commons license.
Remember that locks are expensive and once a lock is classified, it can be quite impactful to re-classify it. Many folks invest in locks specifically for the purposes of gaining belts and it's important to consider their investments before reclassifying locks downward.
The Google Docs list is deprecated. Locks are now tracked on the LPU Belts website.
Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
Pretty simple really. Major.Minor.Revision. ie: 1.3.12
- tumbl3r - Initial conceptualization and work - crpearson
- ith - Initial work
- MMDeveloper - Initial work
- evr- - Revisioning
- Supallama - Revisioning
- loupgarou21 - Revisioning
- potkettleracism - Revisioning
- CorrectJeans - Dan System and current game master
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Hat tip to the Lock Classification Group
- draukan
- evr-
- huxleypig
- lockpickingheavensgate
- loupgarou21
- SiriMhM
- Supallama
- the_other_other_matt
- UrbanHawk
- xCaetusx
- potkettleracisim
- CorrectJeans
- CaptainHookNumber1